When we want to connect to amazon server instance through linux terminal then you need to install ec2-api-tools for fedora. We given full detailed information.
How to install ec2-api-tools for fedora
For installing the ec2-api-tools in linux box follow the steps.
You will find the rpm package in following URL:
Use following commands for installing the api-tools.
[root@localhost www]# cd /tmp/
[root@localhost tmp]# wget
After this when I started to connect my amazon server instance then I got following error message.
Permissions 0755 for ‘ec2-project.pem’ are too open.
It is recommended that your private key files are NOT accessible by others.
This private key will be ignored.
bad permissions: ignore key: ec2-project.pem
For solving the issue you need to change the key file permission to 700. For that use following command
[root@localhost EC2key]$ chmod 700 -R ec2-project.pem
[root@localhost EC2key]$ ssh -i ec2-project.pem root@ec2-59-16-79-85.compute-1.amazonaws.com
Last login: Mon Jan 10 01:08:27 2011 from
[root@domU-18-33-35-0B-D5-02 ~]#

If you are still facing issue then write to me.