Here in this article, we shown, how to submit theme to wordpress directory. If you are wordpress theme developer and want list your theme to theme directory.
When I started the wordpress theme development. That time I did R&D about submitting the wordpress theme to site.
how to submit theme to wordpress directory

You should use the following URL for submit the wordpress theme.
First you need to register to site.
where to submit free wordpress themes
You need to more careful about following points.
Tags which are you going to use in the style.css that are should be good. following tags are not allowed by wordpress
– adsense
– smo
– social bookmark
– custom footer
– google adsense ready
– infolinks
– buysell ads ready
– Jquery
– Jquery slider
You should follow the wordpress terms and conditions for submit your free wordpress theme to wordpress theme directiory.
If you need help for creating wordpress theme then Please check following article.
You can submit your wordpress theme to our site. Please send email to our team with theme screenshots and description. You need to send demo URL and download link for your wordpress theme. We will publish your wordpress theme on our showcase page.
You just need send email to our team on
You can check our wordpress theme showcase page:
Our Showcase for Free wordpress themes
If you still facing any issue then please write to me on
You can also submit your theme to
Have you tried submitting your WordPress theme to the directory at There you can add a full screenshot of the homepage, include a detailed description, link back to your website or marketplace and even add a banner to circulate throughout the site. Definitely worth checking out!