WordPress tutorial, how to stop wordpress spam comments and increase SEO. Spam comments is really major issue. Spam comments will affect your site SEO.
You should delete the spam word comments from wordpress site.
how to stop wordpress spam comments and increase SEO
If you want to prevent spam comments wordpress. You can check more points and wordpress plugins which will be helpful for wordpress websites.
If you have approved spam comments already than you can use following SQL query to change some spam comments status.
Using following sql query you can unapprove spam comments which are already approved.
1 | Update wp_comments set comment_approved=0 WHERE CHAR_LENGTH(comment_author_url)>35; |
2 | Update wp_comments set comment_approved=0 WHERE CHAR_LENGTH(comment_author)>30; |
After this, you can again recheck the comments which might be spam.
For SEO of your site deleting spam word comments is good.
Here are some steps for protecting your wordpress site.
You may copy and paste the following list to the Comment Moderation box in your wp-admin/options-discussions.php page:
- -online
- 4u
- adipex
- advicer
- baccarrat
- blackjack
- bllogspot
- booker
- byob
- car-rental-e-site
- car-rentals-e-site
- carisoprodol
- casino
- casinos
- chatroom
- cialis
- coolcoolhu
- coolhu
- credit-card-debt
- credit-report-4u
- cwas
- cyclen
- cyclobenzaprine
- dating-e-site
- day-trading
- debt-consolidation
- debt-consolidation-consultant
- discreetordering
- duty-free
- dutyfree
- equityloans
- fioricet
- flowers-leading-site
- freenet-shopping
- freenet
- gambling-
- hair-loss
- health-insurancedeals-4u
- homeequityloans
- homefinance
- holdem
- holdempoker
- holdemsoftware
- holdemtexasturbowilson
- hotel-dealse-site
- hotele-site
- hotelse-site
- incest
- insurance-quotesdeals-4u
- insurancedeals-4u
- jrcreations
- levitra
- macinstruct
- mortgage-4-u
- mortgagequotes
- online-gambling
- onlinegambling-4u
- ottawavalleyag
- ownsthis
- palm-texas-holdem-game
- paxil
- penis
- pharmacy
- phentermine
- poker-chip
- poze
- pussy
- rental-car-e-site
- ringtones
- roulette
- shemale
- shoes
- slot-machine
- texas-holdem
- thorcarlson
- top-site
- top-e-site
- tramadol
- trim-spa
- ultram
- valeofglamorganconservatives
- viagra
- vioxx
- xanax
- zolus
There are some nice plugins also which is helpful for protecting your site from spam comments.
You should activate the Akismet wordpress plugin.
Akismet is quite possibly the best way in the world to protect your blog from comment and trackback spam. It keeps your site protected from spam even while you sleep.
You should check the following option from wordpress:
Before a comment appears: (Options)
- Before a comment appears An administrator must always approve the comment
- Comment author must have a previously approved comment
If you have many spam word comments in your site then you should use sql query for delete the spam comments.
1 | DELETE FROM wp_comments WHERE comment_content LIKE '%<a%' ; |
2 | DELETE FROM wp_comments WHERE comment_author LIKE '%<a%' ; |
3 | DELETE FROM wp_comments WHERE comment_author_url LIKE '%health%' ; |
You should replace the spam comments words in SQL query. Using above sql query you can delete the all spam word comments.
For SEO purpose following options are very important.