how to add users in wordpress website

how to add users in wordpress website

If you’d like your blog to feature posts from multiple authors, how to add users in wordpress website, you can add as many administrative accounts to your blog as you like. There are two different ways to add users. There are two different ways to add a new user to your blog, depending on whether or not that person already has an account at

how to add users in wordpress website

how to add users in wordpress website
how to add users in wordpress website


To add someone who already has a account:

  • Log in to your dashboard.
  • Click on the Users -> Authors & Users menu option.
  • In the Add User From Community section at the bottom, enter the author’s email address in the User E-mail box
  • Select either Contributor, Author or Editor in the Role list
  • Click the Add User button
  • Your new user will now see your blog listed in their dashboard when they log in to

To add someone who does not have a account:

  • Log in to your dashboard.
  • Click on the Users -> Invites menu option.
  • Enter the author’s first name, last name and email address in the appropriate fields.
  • Check the box labeled Add user to my blog as a contributor.
  • Click the Send Invite button.
  • Your new user will receive an email inviting them to sign up for a account (and, optionally, create their own blog if they want). Once they have signed up, you’ll see them listed as a Contributor on your Users tab. You can change them to a different role (Author or Editor) later if you’d like.

The difference between each of the roles is explained in the User Roles documentation.

Warning: Please be very careful when adding a new Administrator user to your blog. Other Administrators are effectively co-owners. They have as much power over your blog as you do, including the ability to permanently delete it.

Transfer Note: For security purposes, there is no way to remove the original creator/owner from their blog. As such, if you wish to transfer your blog to another user/account, please follow the instructions here.


Watch the “Adding users to your blog (or removing them)” video from

Adding users to your blog (or removing them)

Adding users to your blog (or removing them)

This movie requires Adobe Flash for playback.

Watch the “Inviting your friends to” video from

Inviting your friends to

Inviting your friends to

This movie requires Adobe Flash for playback.

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I am Purab from India, Software development is my profession and teaching is my passion. Programmers blog dedicated to the JAVA, Python, PHP, DevOps and Opensource Frameworks. Purab's Github Repo Youtube Chanel Video Tutorials Connect to on LinkedIn

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