If want to ingrate flex or flash with wordpress. Using following steps and code you can add the flash player or flex in your wordpress theme.
Many wp developer are looking for wordpress flash header, wordpress flash gallery, wordpress flash player, wordpress flash intro. They want to integrate flex or flash with wordpress. Using following steps and code you can add the flash player or flex in your wordpress theme.
flash with wordpress
Follow my steps to create flash intro in wordpress sites.
1. Create file named intro.php and just copy paste following code:
[viral-lock message=”Solution code is Hidden! It’s Visible for Users who Liked/Shared This article on Facebook or Twitter or Google+. Like or Tweet this article to reveal the content.”]
Template Name: intro
if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post();
endwhile; endif;
2. Upload intro.php file in your active theme folder.
3. Login to wordpress admin area. Click on Pages- >Add new button
4. Page title shoule be “intro” and use html mode and copy paste the your flash intro code in that page.
5. In attribute section you will find the Template option. Choose the intro option and publish the page.
6. Go to Setting->Reading tab and Choose the Static page check box and select the “intro” option for “Front page” and click on save changes button. That sit
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i just tried following the steps, but I am stuck on step number 5. I do not see the Reading Settings as described in the above image. Is it possible I am using a newer version of wordpress and the options are located elsewhere?
Yes. you can find front page display option in newer version of wordpress also. just click to setting tab and choose the reading section.
this works great but i’m confused about how to link the actual site now… so when they enter http://www.mysite.com/ they get this flash intro page.. but what do i link the “enter” button to in order to get to the root of the site… ?
you need to create first template page in your wordpress theme and apply to home page.
could you explain this with more details please :-)) Thanks!
Love the solution. Thought it would work, but running into some problem on my test site: http://cayd.yazminmedia.com/
Any ideas?
Nevermind. Just realized I left out the embed tag for the code. 🙂
For this you need to write action script on “enter” button.
i’m new to this. can i know how do i create a php file? how do i upload into the active theme? also, i have a video in .mov format and i want it to be the intro video of my website. should i convert it to flash and upload it first? where do i upload it? thanks
you need to use the swf file and object code for this.
Yes i did these settings but it doesn’t work. Where did i copy my swf file?!
im new to wordpress. can you give me more detailed explanation? what should i write on the page’s html box? and should i upload my .swf file to FTP? where should i upload them? can you give me a real example of the code and the result? thankyou
you should check following image file…http://images.wordpressapi.com/flash-intro.GIF..hope that is helpful to you.
I cant figure out how to get my flash file to show up. Where is it actually linking to the video? I put the code and did everything that was asked and get only a white screen now? Im thinking the file needs to be saved somewhere? Cna you help me?
Great Tutorial, I have tried this, and it is working..
I’ve tried this, but the Flash intro shows as a post, not as the main/landing page. What am I doing wrong?