I am using Fedora 10 so for that linux version i used these commands for setting up my server.
Installing Nginx:
yum install nginx
Then we create the system startup links for nginx:
/sbin/chkconfig –level 35 nginx on
We can make PHP5 work in nginx through FastCGI.For that install all this packages:
yum install lighttpd-fastcgi php-cli php-mysql php-gd php-imap php-ldap php-odbc php-pear php-xml php-xmlrpc php-eaccelerator php-magickwand php-magpierss php-mapserver php-mbstring php-mcrypt php-mhash php-mssql php-shout php-snmp php-soap php-tidy
Then open /etc/php.ini and add the line cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1 right at the end of the file:
vi /etc/php.ini
paste this line :- cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1
To start a PHP FastCGI daemon listening on port 9000 on localhost and running as the user and group nginx, we run the following command:
/usr/bin/spawn-fcgi -a -p 9000 -u nginx -g nginx -f /usr/bin/php-cgi -P /var/run/fastcgi-php.pid
To restart PHP FastCGI daemon, Use this command:
ps -ef|grep php-cgi
you don’t want to type in that command manually whenever you boot the system, so to have the system execute the command automatically at boot time, open /etc/rc.local…
vi /etc/rc.local
and add the command at the end of the file:
/usr/bin/spawn-fcgi -a -p 9000 -u nginx -g nginx -f /usr/bin/php-cgi -P /var/run/fastcgi-php.pid
/sbin/init.d/httpd stop
To stop apache on every startup:
/sbin/chkconfig –level 35 httpd off
First take backup of your nginx configuration file:
cp /etc/nginx/nginx.conf nginx.conf_cp
use nginx.conf file from life180 “config/nginx” folder