wordpress tutorial, disable image upload for wordpress users. If you want to restrict the normal author to upload media file your wordpress blog. So you can use the following code in your functions.php file.
disable image upload for wordpress users
Following function will remove the upload media button from wordpress dashboard.
//remove the upload buttons for auther and other wordpress user function removemediabuttons() { if($user->wp_user_level >= 1) { remove_action( 'media_buttons', 'media_buttons' ); } } add_action('admin_head','removemediabuttons');
Following code will remove the media library tab from the Add new post section for all the users.
Restricts media library access (subscriber) under the “add new post”
function remove_medialibrary_tab($tabs) { unset($tabs['library']); return $tabs; } add_filter('media_upload_tabs','remove_medialibrary_tab');
This hack is very important for wordpress developers. when you are developing the multiuser wordpress site.
In my theme folder (wp-content/themes/buzznews) there is a functions.php file do I put it in there? Where exactly in that file?