maintenance page is required in website. There are many wordpress plugins which are good to create maintenance page wordpress. need custom maintenance page. In wordpress sites also you need the provision for maintenance page while doing backup, code updation etc operation.
create maintenance page wordpress with your content
There are many wordpress plugins which are helpful to create the maintenance page. Many people need the custom content on maintenance page. Some people need to content and images on maintenance page.

You can create the maintenance page using simple apache code which you can insert in .htaccess file. You just need to create the maintenance.html page in your root wordpress installation directory.
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/maintenance.html$ [NC] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.(jpe?g?|png|gif) [NC] RewriteRule .* /maintenance.html [R=302,L] </IfModule>
There are some free wordpress plugins also which are helpful to create the maintenance page with custom content. But I like following wp plugin which really simple to use and nice features.
Ultimate Maintenance Mode

The Ultimate Maintenance Mode plugin displays a screen-shot of your website with an overlay window and the reason your site is down.
- Works with any WordPress theme
- Allows you to work on your site while non logged in visitors see the Maintenance Mode page
- Automatically Creates a Screen-shot of your Website and uses it as the background for your maintenance mode page.
- Ability to add a Custom Headline, Message & Background Image
- Returns a 503 http status and retry header so search engines know your site is down.
- Simple and Easy to Use
- Multi-site Support
- Translation Ready – i18n Support
As per my conclusion above plugin is really good for new wordpress developers and designers to save there time and efforts for creating the maintenance page.