In this tutorial we will show to create electrify effect to text in photoshop. we given easy steps with their screenshot and explanation. Using simple steps you can very easily create electrify effect to text in photoshop.
create electrify effect to text in photoshop
Step 1: Create a new file ‘Default Photoshop Size’ with a “transparent” background.
Rename the only existing layer “back”.
Step 2: Fill ( Edit > Fill ) layer “back” with black ( #000000 ).
Step 3: Using the Horizontal Type Tool, write some large text in white ( #FFFFFF ). For this tutorial, I wrote “wordpressApi” in 60 pt with the font Impact.
Step 4: Rasterize the text ( Layer > Rasterize > Type ). Rename the layer that has the now rasterized text “Text”.
Step 5: Duplicate layer “Text” and rename the new layer “Text 2”. Hide layer “Text 2” by clicking on the eye to the left of it on the Layer Palette.
Step 6: Activate layer “Text” on the Layer Palette and merge all visible layers ( Layer > Merge Visible ).
Step 7: Transform the image 90 degrees clockwise ( Edit > Transform > 90 degrees CW ).
Now our image looking like this:
Step 8: Apply the Wind filter ( Filter > Stylize > Wind ) with the method “Wind” and the Direction “From the Right”. Repeat ( Ctrl-f ) this filter.
Step 9: Now, apply the Wind filter ( Filter > Stylize > Wind ) again except this time, use the Direction “From the Left”. Repeat ( Ctrl-f ) this filter.
Now here our image after applying Wind filter “From the Left”.
Step 10: Transform the image 90 degrees counter-clockwise ( Edit > Transform > 90 degrees CCW ). We are now going to apply the Wind filter again except this time, only once in each direction.
Step 11: Apply the Wind filter ( Filter > Stylize > Wind ) with the method “Wind” and the Direction “From the Right”.
Step 12: Now, apply the Wind filter ( Filter > Stylize > Wind ) again except this time, use the Direction “From the Left”.
And here our image after applying Wind Filter “from the Left”.
Step 13: Apply the Ripple Filter ( Filter > Distort > Ripple ) to make the light wavy.
Step 14: Open the Hue/Saturation window ( Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation ).
And apply these settings which I given a below. Don’t forget to switch on to colorize option which is right bottom corner of Hue/Saturation box.
Step 15: Now we have to give final touches. Unhide layer “Text 2” and activate it on the Layer Palette.
Step 16: Select the text on the layer by pressing Ctrl then clicking on the thumbnail of the layer on the Layer Palette.
Step 17: Contract ( Select > Contract ) the selection by 2 pixels. Now Fill ( Edit > Fill ) in the selection with black ( #000000 ).
And here’s final effect of electrifying text.
Thank You!