In this blog, we’re going to learn how to create hollywood movie poster photoshop tutorial, blend photos together like Hollywood movie poster using Photoshop. We given step by step with their screenshots and given explanation about same.
how to create hollywood movie poster photoshop tutorial
Here’s the first photo I’ll be using:

Here’s the image I want to blend it with:

Step 1: The first thing we need in order to blend our two images together is for them to both be in the same document. To do that, with both of my images open on the screen in their own separate document windows, I’m going to grab my Move tool from the Tools palette, or I could press the letter V on my keyboard to quickly select it:

Then with my Move tool selected, I’m going to click anywhere inside the image of the couple walking on the beach to make that document window active, and I’m simply going to drag the image into the other document window:

When I release my mouse button, both images appear inside the same document, one on top of the other. I can also see both images now on their own separate layers in the Layers palette:
Step 2: Now that I’ve dragged the beach photo into the other document, I need to resize it, and I can do that easily with Photoshop’s Free Transform command. With the beach photo layer selected in the Layers palette, I’m going to use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+T (Win) / Command+T (Mac) to bring up the Free Transform box and handles around the image.
Problem is, this image is in “landscape” mode, meaning its width is longer than its height, and I’ve dragged it into a document containing an image that’s in “portrait” mode (its height is longer than its width), so even though Photoshop has placed the Free Transform box and handles around my image, I can’t see any of the corner handles because the sides of the image are extending out beyond the viewable area of the document. To do that press F on your keyboard and you can move your image where you want.
When I’m happy with the new size of my image, I’m going to press Enter (Win) / Return (Mac) to accept the transformation.
Your background layer means couple layer is locked to work on it double click on background layer in a Layers pallete. Now the warning message is telling me that Photoshop can’t move the image because the layer is locked, press OK to work on it.
Step 3: Now we can begin blending them together. The first thing we need is a layer mask, and we’re going to add it to the layer on top (“Layer 1”), which is my case is the layer containing the beach photo, so I’m going to click on that layer in the Layers palette to select it. Then, click on the Add A Layer Mask icon at the bottom of the Layers palette:
We can now see the layer mask thumbnail added to the top layer:
Step 4: Select your Gradient tool from the Tools palette, or press G to quickly access it with the keyboard shortcut.
Then, up in the Options Bar at the top of the screen, click on the down-pointing arrow to the right of the gradient preview area, which will bring up the Gradient Picker. Click on the black to white gradient in the top row, third from the left to select it:
Now drag the Gradient like I shown in below image:
Now my image is looking like this:
Step 5: With “Layer 1” still selected in the Layers palette, press Shift+Ctrl+Alt+E (Win) / Shift+Command+Option+E (Mac) to merge both layers onto a new layer above it, which Photoshop will name “Layer 2”:
Step 6: We’re going to remove all the color from the image at this point so we can add our own color, which we’ll do in a moment. To remove the colors, press Shift+Ctrl+U (Win) / Shift+Command+U (Mac) to desaturate the layer:
Step 7: Let’s add a little noise to the image to help the two photos blend more seamlessly together. Go to the Filter menu > Noise > Add Noise. This brings up the Add Noise dialog box. Set the Amount to somewhere between 1-6% depending on the pixel dimensions of your image. I’m working on a low resolution image for this tutorial, so I’m going to set mine to 1% just to add a hint of noise. Make sure Distribution is set to Gaussian, and also make sure the Monochromatic option at the very bottom is checked:
Step 8: All that’s left to do is add our own color to the image. For that, we’re going to use a Solid Color fill layer. Click on the New Fill Or Adjustment Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers palette. Then select Solid Color from the top of the list that appears:

Photoshop’s Color Picker will appear. Choose the color that you want to use for your image. I’m going to select a light orange for my color:
Click OK once you’ve chosen a color to exit out of the Color Picker. Don’t worry about choosing the “right” color at the moment because you can always change it later.
Step 9: Go to Blending Mode and select Color:
Your image will now be colorized with your chosen color rather than being blocked from view by it. If you decide you’re not happy with the color you chose, just double-click on the Solid Color fill layer’s color swatch icon in the Layers palette:
When you do that, the Color Picker will pop back up and you can choose a different color. Since the Solid Color fill layer is already set to the “Color” blend mode, you’ll be able to see a live preview of how your current color choice looks with your image.
Here’s my final result:

Thank You!
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