In linux OS and windows OS cron jobs been used for backgroud tasks, many times you need to execute the some background tasks based on time. In wordpress creating the cron jobs is very easy. For creating the cronjob you can use the wp_schedule_event() event. You can run the cron based on time defined.
In linux and mac box adding cronjobs are different then using in wordpress. WordPress itself supports the adding cronjobs events or tasks. Here in this article I explained about using cron job with WordPress.
CRON job with WordPress
You can pass following parameters:
add_action('wpapi_hourly_event', 'do_this_daily');
function wpapi_activation() {
if ( !wp_next_scheduled( 'wpapi_hourly_event' ) ) {
wp_schedule_event(time(), 'daily', 'wpapi_daily_event');
add_action('wp', 'wpapi_activation');
function do_this_hourly() {
// do something daily
cron job with WordPress
For more detailed information you can visit
Search Engine Optimization can help you get higher ranks on search engine pages and builds your online presence to a great extent. But going about it the wrong way can be a lot worse than doing nothing at all.
SEO Mistakes that should be avoided in WordPress
SEO Mistakes that should be avoided in WordPress
There are few mistakes that WordPress users make quite often; they are listed below so that you can ensure that you don’t fall into the same trap.
Don’t provide XML sitemap
A sitemap is an XML file, which has the lists of URLs for sites. With their help, webmasters can make it easier for search engines to crawl websites more efficiently and easily. But there are many webmasters who don’t understand the importance of XML sitemaps, which can lead to search engines ignoring pages from the site. And that naturally means the visibility of your website will be greatly reduced. As your web pages don’t get indexed by all and mighty search engines, your online visibility is bound to suffer.
Not setting up Google Authorship
Google authorship is an important element of search friendly websites today; no two ways about it. It makes a world of difference to your brand promotion because your users can see a picture next to your articles. In fact your content, irrespective of the platform, will stay connected to your name. There are many who haven’t woken up to the importance of Google Authorship and don’t set it up, which is something you need to avoid at all costs.
Not optimizing URLs for SEO
If your URL has a smart title, it can help you with search engine ranks; no two ways about it. Running a website the traditional way can make it difficult, but when you are using a CMS platform like WordPress things are made a lot easier. You can make the most out of the tools offered by the platform and have creative titles for blogs, articles to gain good results. Letting go of this opportunity is a huge mistake you cannot afford.
Improper Categorization and Tagging
If you want to keep users engaged and boost traffic to your site, you can use categorization and tagging to your advantage. Using the right categories and tags in blogs and articles will encourage readers to go through the entire website. You can overlook this opportunity at your own peril as many already have. Having your web posts without tags and categories could mean that you are losing your ranks with search engines.
Irrelevant External Links
They are as important as internal links and should be relevant, keeping your site in context. Search engines will pay attention to the links you have to other sites and compare the thematic content to ensure that there is a match. Hence it’s important to look at external links before posting because they should define you according to your vision.
Poor Quality Backlinks
Their importance cannot be overemphasized as search engines consider them closely while judging a website’s popularity and importance. It’s been seen that some bloggers use ways like buying backlinks from farms or sites that have been put up with the sole purpose of selling links. These backlinks are often of poor quality and will give a similar impression about your site to search engines. On the other hand few backlinks from authoritative websites are worth their weight in gold.
Not updating WordPress
Your whole WordPress website will have to be updated at certain times and you can benefit from features like enhanced security, fixes etc. It’s incredible to see many not updating their sites and thus running the risk of being vulnerable or stuck with a website that doesn’t function optimally. It’s criminal to let that happen, especially since a single click of a button is all it takes to update your website.
Not installing any WordPress SEO plugin
Surprisingly, this is another common mistake that is made by many WordPress users. There are several plugins like Inbound Writer, Scribe, WordPress SEO by Yoast, All in One SEO, which have their tremendous advantages for your site’s optimization. Each of these plugins however performs differently, and thus has to be chosen wisely based on your requirements.
Poor On Page SEO
If you don’t organize your page or post around a certain keyword so that it’s spotted by search, then it can be a huge mistake. According to many, it is one of the major factors of WordPress SEO. If you make a mistake here, chances are that all your other good work will come undone. Thankfully there are plugins you can choose to help you with this element.
Keyword Stuffing
Importance of keywords for search engine optimization is now well understood. But you also need to understand that keyword stuffing is considered to be an unethical search engine optimization practise. It could lead to a temporary or a permanent ban on your website.
If you wish to rank for a certain category of keywords then you can create a separate page for it and then optimize it. You can also avoid duplicating keywords and create pages with them built in as a part of the content instead. You will benefit from that immensely because having high quality and relevant content on your website is quite good for the ranking of your website. However make sure you stay away from keyword stuffing at any cost because it will only hurt your chances with search engines.
These are some of the common WordPress SEO mistakes that you can easily avoid and ensure that you are getting maximum benefits for your website.
Many times people use the the plugin for deleting the post revisions. There are so many plugins are available for deleting the post revisions. Deleting by revisions perform optimizations on your WordPress database action. Removing old revisions and database optimizations is one of the best things you can do to your WordPress blog to keep it running as fast as it can. Here in this article I will show you how to delete the post revisions automatically.
clean wordpress by deleting revisions automatically
Removing old revisions and database optimization is best. Here in this article I will show you how to clean wordpress by deleting revisions automatically.
What you need is you need to put following code in functions.php file.
$wpdb->query( "
DELETE FROM $wpdb->posts
WHERE post_type = 'revision'
" );
Here are some plugins which are helpful for cleaning the database and delete the revisions.
Better Delete Revision not only deletes redundant revisions of posts from your WordPress Database, it also deletes other database content related to each revision such meta information, tags, relationships, and more. Better Delete Revision is based on the old “Delete Revision” plugin but it is compatible with the latest version of WordPress (3.x) with improved features.
Your current published, scheduled, and draft posts are never touched by this plugin!
This plugin can also perform optimizations on your WordPress database. With optimization and old revision removal this plugin will keep your database lighter and smaller throughout use. Removing old revisions and database optimizations is one of the best things you can do to your WordPress blog to keep it running as fast as it can.
WordPress MU or customs installation (like some pre-made installation of some Hosting Providers) are not yet supported. WordPress MU support is in our TODO list.
Post Revisions are a feature introduced in WordPress 2.6. Whenever you or WordPress saves a post or a page, a revision is automatically created and stored in your WordPress database. Each additional revision will slowly increase the size of your database. If you save a post or page multiple times, your number of revisions will greatly increase overtime. For example, if you have 100 posts and each post has 10 revisions you could be storing up to 1,000 copies of older data! The Better Delete Revision plugin is your #1 choice to quickly and easily removing revision from your WordPress database. Try it out today to see what a lighter and smaller WordPress database can do for you!
Bulk Delete is a WordPress Plugin which can be used to delete posts in bulk from selected categories, tags, post types or custom taxonomies. This Plugin can also delete all drafts, post revisions, scheduled posts or pages and users based on user role.
Bulk delete users based on user role and posts from selected categories, tags, post types, custom taxonomies or by post status like drafts, scheduled
A new trend in the arena of web designing is Flat UI. This is a minimalistic approach adapted to cater and present information. Essential information that is required to attract the attention of the users is only displayed on the interface, so that they are motivated to stay in the site for a long time. Firm, who are involved in developing a website, generally hire designers, who are pioneer in this field of designing. This is because of the increase in the popularity of this design in the last couple of years. The use of flat user interface is implemented by two of the noted operating systems.
attractive flat UI design
Makes the site look stylish
The flat design gives a modern look to the top the website that is beneficial for SEO industry and marketing of the website. Though, the use of this design in the websites related to retail business is limited, but it is used widely in the sites that deal with technical topics. This designing shall prevent your website from being flooded with advertisements and graphics. In comparison to the traditional designs of web developments, it is much more challenging for the designers as there is no scope of any error in this design.
Various elements of designing
Over the years, there has been a remarkable change in the field of web designing. The growing use and popularity of this design indicates that the field of designing has matured and emphasis is laid on designing interfaces that aim at better interactivity of users. While designing a website, first you need to decide the impact of the flat design in accordance to your projects or the website. Next you need to design the basic factors of flat designing as the typography, minimalism, usage of all simple elements, lack of depth and color.
Use of grids and colors
Grids play an important role in designing Flat UI. A visual order is established and you can use these grids to define the contents well and highlight the parts that you want your user to notice. If you want to experiment with various visual effects, then you can use tight and creative grids. This can also help the designers to understand the content that can be covered without making the interface looking crowded. The flat designs are generally colorful with the use of different shades of the same palette. But make sure that the interface is not overcrowded with colors as the use of strong colors can be domineering.
Ensure readability with appropriate fonts
Strong colors can be used in the actionable areas, for instance orange and reds can be used for call-to-action buttons. Web designers can have a look of the colors that are used for designing the interface. Typography is another important aspect of the flat designing. Make sure that the font types that you use are in sync with the overall layout of the site. Readability is also another aspect that you need to consider, in this regard you need to use simple words and note that there is a consistency in the tone of the content.
Edge over traditional ones
It is important to have ample white space so that users can fathom the information clearly and can follow the visual indicators that can guide them freely through the site. For the convenience of the designers, there are design kits that have various tools, resources regarding the designing procedure. Best part of these designs is that it is constant across different browsers and devices. Owing to tit its basic principles, it is soothing to eyes of the users. Since the buttons are easily arranged, the users can navigate through the site with ease. In comparison to the traditional ones, these interfaces have less clickable widgets.
A grid is a two-dimensional structure which comprises of intersecting horizontal and vertical lines. It is used to structure content. A grid layout is a popular web design practice and has become an important component of most websites. Designing along a grid can be very interesting and pleasing. It is easier to build a site with the help of a grid. With a grid style layout you will be able to visualize proportions which look best on the site. A grid will help you to impart an orderly look to the site and reduce visual chaos. With grid-style layout you will be able to highlight important elements in a site without overcrowding.
Use Grid-Style Layout Effectively To Support Your site Design.
Use Grid-Style Layout Effectively
Using a grid-style layout
With the help of a grid you can pull together a site more quickly. It is easier to design a website with a grid than align the elements with hand. You can switch elements easily due to the structure which is provided by grid. If a grid system is implemented correctly it can increase the scalability of a website. Users will find it easier to read the content on the website. There are numerous advantages of a grid layout. You can present the content with greater order and harmony. Users will be able to get an access to information easily. Developing a grid
Great style layout is the perfect choice for content rich websites. Sites based on grid-style layout are pleasing to the eyes. With the help of a grid you can create a responsive website. With proper implementation of grid layout you can build websites which look appealing on smart-phones, tablets, desktop computers and other platforms. Before you decide on a grid you must ascertain the number of columns that will be used. After you have developed a grid you can spare more time on the design possibilities. This will save you time and money. Your designs will be consistent and moving the content from one side to the other becomes easy. Rule of Third
A grid provides an organizational framework. You can streamline a site by using a grid system. According to Rule of Third a composition can be divided into nine parts with the help of two equally placed vertical lines and two equally placed vertical lines. You can place the most crucial elements at the points of intersection of the lines. If you align a composition with the help of Rule of third it can create more energy in the composition. Generally it is not possible to use the four points of intersection to highlight important elements. You can use some of the points to place important messages and graphics.
Use Grid-Style Layout Effectively
Create an efficient grid
A grid can determine the overlook of a website. You can choose among the variety of grid structures. Today the internet is loaded with models and frameworks based on CSS rules which help web designers to create an efficient grid layout. For any purpose you can create a grid. As a web designer you must be ready to experiment with the grid layouts. This will help you to finalize on the most efficient and fast grid. Instead of trying to hammer content size into a predetermined grid you must customize a grid on the nature of the content. Align elements with a grid
You can use Golden Ratio to organize space. A grid can provide a foundation which is more stable and consistent. A grid can guide the placement of elements on your page. You must give priority to grids if you want to communicate with your audience effectively. You can optimize grid layouts with the help of grid-style layout. The lines of the grid are used by a designer to align the elements.
WordPress is used by 50 million plus websites worldwide and is certainly the best blogging platforms till date. Now, not only bloggers but several businesses and organization firms are making use of WordPress as the web development platform for building compelling websites or blog pages. Blogging is a vital component of SEO, and WordPress facilitate website owners with the power of creating blogs. But that doesn’t mean that merely developing a site in WordPress will make it SEO optimized. Well, to some extent it will, but SEO is a huge field and requires a lot of knowledge and efforts to master it.
SEO Plugins for Optimize your WordPress
If you’re planning to build a WordPress powered site but lack knowledge about SEO, then here’s a list of top 3 WordPress Plugins that will help your website acquire top ranks in Google and other search engines.
Boost your wordpress SEO: Full SEO features Meta Tags, webmaster tools settings, Social AuthorShip for Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus and XML sitemap
You can enter your meta keywords and description for your homepage and each post and pages.
This plugin will add different Meta description for each individual post as your excerpt of your post.
This will help your blog to rank better in google. You can easily increase your blog traffic using this plugin.
Following are the features:
Preview of Smart wordpress SEO – Home page Keywords and description
WebMaster Tool Verification Setting
Social Authorship for Google, Twitter and Facebook
XML sitemap setting
Image SEO setting
Eash Post or Page SEO title, Description and Keywords setting
This plugin will add different Meta description for each individual post as your excerpt of your post.
WebMaster tool and meta tag, Social AuthorShip meta Tags added for Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus
This plugin will create XML sitemap for your website. This plugin will boost your seo in two weeks.
Google, Bing Verify ownership with wordpress
Google XML Sitemap
A sitemap can do wonders in making your WP site search engine optimized, as it helps Google to discover pages on your site that it may not have discovered earlier. Simply put, a sitemap is a formatted list of all the relevant web pages present on your site that gets easily indexed by Google. Google XML Sitemap is a WP plugin that helps to automatically generate a XML based sitemap that enable search engine like Google, and others to index your site in a better way.
SEO Plugins for Optimize your WordPress
This sitemap plugin makes it easier for the search engine crawlers to see the entire structure of your website effortlessly. The plugin creates a sitemap using the combination of relevant links and sample text present in your site. The best part is that the plugin automatically notifies topnotch search engines when you create a new post for your site.
WordPress SEO by Yoast
The next in the plugin list is WordPress SEO by Yoast having more than 4.5 million downloads and an excellent rating of 4.7 stars out of 5, this is indeed one of the best SEO plugin that is easy to learn and use. It enables website creators to perform several tasks, as listed below:
Helps in previewing a code snippet
Track keyword density in your blog post and verify whether the targeted keyword is present in your post – title and URL or not. That’s not it! It even provides a hint regarding the correct place where you should add the keyword in order to obtain better position in search engine result pages (SERPs).
Lastly, it helps to carry out complete analysis on both inbound as well as outbound links.
WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin simply checks how optimized your web page is and accordingly recommend changes. Besides this, the plugin offers several other functions such as XML sitemaps, RSS optimization, and social integration to name a few.
All in One SEO Pack
Last in the list is – All in One SEO Pack, it is the viable alternative for novices as well as veterans for making a WP site optimized for search engines, and possess a rating of 3.9 stars over 5. The plugin helps saves a considerable amount of your time and effort, as it automatically generate meta-keywords and meta-descriptions in your posts, and enhances titles in tune with search engines. What’s more, it comes loaded with a lot of features, which includes providing support for Google analytics, creating XML sitemap for WP blog, and many other features.
The best thing about this plugin is that it is the only plugin that comes with an extended SEO integration feature built for ecommerce websites. Additionally, it comes with advanced algorithms that help to check whether your blog contains duplicate pages or not – so that you can evade panda penalty.
You can find various great SEO plugins to help make your WordPress site search engine optimized. Aforementioned are the top 3 and most extensively used WP SEO plugins that website owners must be familiar with.
The fascinating shapes and patterns of smoke make an interesting subject for photography. The arena of smoke photography is alluring and opens you a world of experimentations and challenges. The fact that smoke cannot be controlled makes it an interesting as well as a challenging subject for photography. The mystical designs of smoke can stir your imagination and help create exquisite images. Shooting smoke is indeed an art that requires practice and patience. Whether you are an ace photographer or just exploring new realms of photography, these tips will help you capture smoke in a better way.
Tips for Shooting Smoke like a Pro
Shooting Smoke like a Pro is indeed an art that requires practice and patience. Whether you are photographer or just exploring new realms of photography The set up
Wherever you are shooting smoke, remember ventilation is very important. A cold room with a high ceiling will enable to capture better pictures of smoke. Firstly, the smoke that rises can reach only so far in a low ceiling. It then builds up into fog that can sting your eyes and interfere with your shooting.
Also, a warmer room will make the smoke dissipate into a fog closer to the source of smoke. Secondly, after the while, the built up smoke will alter you background, scatter light and hence will capture low quality, hazy photos.
Breeze can make photographing smoke difficult and so does sun light. It is also better to flush the room with clean air in between shoots to get rid of the built up smoke. Hence, a room with a door and windows will be ideal for shooting smoke. Backdrop
Black is the most preferred background colour for smoke photography although some prefer to use a white backdrop. The black background is a great contrast against the colour of smoke. It helps capture the intricate details of smoke. Using a black drop also reduces the chances of light scattering off of your backdrop or camera lens. Further, a dark backdrop minimizes the time you spend in post processing the images. Camera settings
To shoot perfect images of smoke, you need to use fast shutter speed. Fast shutter speed as high as 1/250 will help you capture the motion of the smoke without any motion blur. A slow shutter speed will result in hazy images. To limit the noise and reduce the loss of details use low ISO (100 or below). A high value ISO, on the other hand, will produce grainy images.
It is also a good idea to turn off the auto-focus setting in your camera. You need to set your camera to manual focus and use the tip of smoke source, for instant, an incense stick, as the motion of smoke is swift. Also, since the object of your photography is fairly unpredictable, it is important to use a small aperture to improve the sharpness of the image.
It is very important to choose the right exposure. Under exposure will reduce the contrast and make the smoke blend with the background. On the other hand, over exposure will lead to loss of details in the image. Further, when you correct the exposure in the post production, it will lead to a larger loss of detail making the smoke photo unappealing. Again, there are no right and wrong camera settings. Take a few test shots to see what works the best for you.
Tips for Shooting Smoke like a Pro
Credits: William Warby Lighting
With fast shutter speed, low aperture and low ISO, the light that is captured will be reduced drastically. For this reason, you will require a light source to adequately expose the smoke. However, you do not want to light the background making it more reflective than smoke – the object of photography. You must not use camera flash for shooting smoke as the light that will fall on smoke will also fall on the background, decreasing the contrast between smoke and background.
Also, no ambient light is allowed as it makes the background apparent in images, which is not desired in smoke photography. To increase the degree of contrast in the image, you will need to use a flash unit. Studio lights are not necessary, just any off camera flash unit with a wireless flash trigger or flash cable will do the trick. There are no hard and fast rules where the flash should be placed. You can experiment with different angles and distances from flash to the object of photography until you are satisfied.
Shooting smoke
Light your source of smoke – incense stick, paper, tobacco or anything that will smolder without going out. It is important to ensure that there is not even the slightest draft in the room. Switch off the fan, air conditioner, close all the windows and doors. Allow the smoke to stabilize for a few minutes and the smoke pattern to build up before clicking pictures. Since the smoke is in constant motion, shoot as many pictures as possible to capture interesting patterns. Shoot the images in RAW format. It not only gives you the best quality and sharpest image but also allows you to change the exposure and white balance of the image while editing.
Post processing
Post processing is an important aspect of smoke photography. Editing will increase the appeal of the photograph. Adjust the background, contrast and exposure to your satisfaction. Playing with saturation or colour balance will create coloured smoke. If the saturation is too high, however, it can introduce noise. Have fun and experiment with different effects to produce extraordinary smoke photos.
Did you ever try to sync your WordPress’s account with the Google’s Webmaster tools and AdSense? Then you must have failed all the time. You had only two options, either you spent long hours trying to sort out how to solve it or you outsourced it to some programmer or software engineer after paying a hefty amount of money. However, Google has acknowledged this problem and recently released its new WordPress publisher plugin that makes the use of Webmaster tools and AdSense easy and simple. All you need to do is to visit your WordPress account’s plugin page, select the right Google plugin, and place it in the directory and activate the account with a single click of a mouse.
Verification With Google Introduced Plug-In For WordPress
All new Webmaster Tools plugin allows you to verify your account with Google. It also provides an exhaustive report about the visibility of your site on the Google. In addition with monitoring the reports with the help of Webmaster Tools, the brands can also have the options to monitor what approaches are working and what are not. These plugins also make necessary adjustments in order to appreciate the visibility of your site. The new plugins also helps to link your WordPress’s account with your account in AdSense. Importantly, the best part of this new plugin is that it cut both the cost and time before placing ads without any manual assistance.
The best part of this new plugin is that it not only helps the techies but also helps your brand to get noticed across the cyber world. These are:
• Monetization: Before this invention, you used to spend long hours or a hefty amount of money to get your WordPress account verified by the Google. However, now it can be done in few seconds.
• Audience Data: These new tools help visitors to provide the necessary information about your site. Visitors can able to fetch anything with a single click on the tab name “Traffic”. The tab conveys the statistics of your site. The word statistics include a number of clicks and impressions made by each viewer in order to find a keyword or a particular phrase.
• Optimization of site and content: the new plugins will allow your data to make necessary adjustments in the design of your site, content and structure.
The cyber market is filled with numerous WordPress account, and every company wants to put their ads on the website to generate as much as income they want to. However, the Google says that they are still developing the new plugins for the betterment of the WordPress accounts. Before working on this tool, you need to open the plug-in and select a particular area to preview of your site’s homepage, or a particular page or post. The intriguing part is that the plugins help to place markers automatically on the screen where the advertisements can be fit in.
Additionally, the new webmaster tools enable you to submit an XML sitemap for your website. The prima facie intention of this new plugin is to provide information without any hassle. Moreover, you will able to see detailed information relating to the indexing of your website. Many well-known web designers have opined that new plugins will also minimize the issues related to website. So, the method or procedure is very simple, first you need to click the download the verification link in your computer. Then connect it through an FTP client, verify the file uploaded it by visiting the mentioned link. Finally, click the verify button and manage your WordPress’s account to share information or place an ad.
Gone are the days, when you had to tap your credit card on NFC machines available at the checkout counter. The reason being is that with the amendment in the technology, the smartphone has been provided with the feature using which you can wave your smartphone or tap it to the machine in order to make all the payments. The machine will automatically detect the information of your credit card linked with your Google account. This has been introduced because in this fast pace moving world, most of the people prefer carrying hard cash in a very little amount as cards are preferred for the payment. It is widely used also because of the fact that it is more secured as compared to carrying loose cash.
switch your smartphone to digital wallet for secure payments
It is widely used also because of the fact that it is more secured as compared to carrying loose cash. How to switch your smartphone to digital wallet for secure payments.
There are many more advantages of paying through such modes developed by iPhone App Development services like many shopping stores offers you to earn rewards or other offers. Sometimes, it also makes your wallet a bit heavy because of various coupons, so it is better to switch to much more smart technology.
Tap your smartphone for swift payments:
In order to get this done within a few minutes, you need to get a few digital wallets to your smartphone. A few of them have been listed below:
Google Wallet:
switch your smartphone to digital wallet for secure payments
A Google Wallet just needs NFC (Near Field Communication) technology within the smartphone and tablets. Just link your credit card or debit card directly to your Google account and leave your wallet behind. This facility supports 20+ merchants offline as well as online and promise many more merchants to come. The various attractive leverages that you can enjoy with Google wallet includes it allows users to send money and buy their stuffs on mobile websites. One can also store all the payment information in the electronic passbook. Google Wallet arrived for iPhone just after the release of Google’s Android software which was a bit similar to that iPhone’s app.
Lemon Wallet:
switch your smartphone to digital wallet for secure payments
This is also a digital wallet which is available for all the operating systems namely; iOS, Android and Windows. Lemon Wallet has been proven as the most powerful app which allows you to pile up all important information of credit, debit, insurance member, ID and loyalty cards. The functionality it includes is that it simply turns all the information into the barcode which has to be scanned by the merchants. The user can also get the connection of payment cards with the bank allowing tracking the balance and the transactions within the app. The app is protected via passcode with a 4-pin even when you are getting access to other cards available within the app. Each time you will access the card, you need to provide the passcode. The best feature it has is that it aids you to capture the picture of the receipts for tracking the expenses and for tax purpose as well.
Isis is a mode of making digital payment and it comes with its preloaded cash card carrying $10 so that you can start up with spending or shopping. This wallet also works with Android smartphones that are NFC enables and it will also allow the user to manage the coupons, redeem offers and loyalty cards offered by various merchants. This digi-wallet is also password protected and the user has freedom to remote freeze the wallet using wireless connection, in case, it is stolen. If, the user gets the recovery of smartphone again fortunately, then the wallet can be again reactivated. In case of any other technical assistance also, one can consult iPhone App Developer.
switch your smartphone to digital wallet for secure payments
This is another outstanding mobile payment app which is available for Android as well as iOS bestowing a wide range of merchants which recognize their service. It allows the user to get connected directly with the bank account after getting registered on the website. Using Dwolla, one can transfer enviable funds to the friends and relatives on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. This mode is also an outstanding way through which one can settle the rent or pay back the friend for fronting anywhere and anytime, especially when you do not have the cash.
This is not the end of such apps as there are many more that will bequeath outstanding features and will make your shopping hassle free and much secured.
Getting the traffic every day is very hard and managing those traffic is very important. Many times visitors comes to your site but they do not visit the other pages of site. Here are some nice tips to increase page views per visit wordpress.
increase page views per visit wordpress
keeping busy the visitors on your site is important. Some blogger think getting the visitors on there website is easy but keeping busy the visitors is hard. If visitor comes to your site and without going to another site, visitor goes to another site or leaves the site then that is called bounce and It will not be helpful to increase the your site page views.
We do many tricks to increase the page views. If you are using wordpress for your website then you can use some nice wordpress plugins which will increase the page views per visitor. There are so many factors for increase the page views. I collected some nice wordpress plugins which will help you to increase the page views per visit.
This plugin will enable a custom, flexible and super advanced random posts widget. Allows you to display a list of the most random posts with thumbnail, excerpt and post date, also you can display it from all or specific or multiple category or tag. Using random post widget you can increase page views per visit wordpress.
Flare is a simple yet eye-catching social sharing bar that gets you followed and lets your content get shared via posts, pages, and media types.
The Flare plugin isn’t in active development because we’ve created a hosted app version of Flare that works with virtually any website or CMS, including WordPress. Using flare wordpress plugin you can increase page views per visit wordpress.
GetSocial adds a lightweight and intelligent floating social media sharing box on your blog posts. Using getsocial plugin you can increase page views per visit wordpress.
Floating social share box compatible with leading web browsers
The best way to display your most popular content from your website. Using most post popular widget you can increase page views per visit wordpress.
Installing this plugin is as simple as activating it, and you can leave the rest to nrelate. Once activated, the nrelate servers will immediately begin monitoring your website and start displaying your most popular content.
There are four ways to display popular content:
1. Automatically display before or after each post.
2. Use the [nrelate-popular] shortcode in your post.
3. Use our widget in any widget area in your theme
4. Place the nrelate_popular() function in your theme files.
nrelate’s style gallery allows you to customize the look of our plugin by choosing one of our set styles, or designing your own.
Check out the screenshots.
Advertising is also possible with the plugin. Ads come with the same display options as the popular content and are a great way to earn a little extra income from your blog.
Because all of the processing and analyzing runs on our servers and not yours, nrelate doesn’t cause any additional load on your hosting account (especially if you’re using shared hosting).
Simple, developer-friendly, straightforward post rating plugin. Relies on post meta to store avg. rating / vote count. Using post rating plugin you can increase page views per visit wordpress.
What does this plugin do:
Allow your site users to rate posts (of any kind)
Display the average post rating, vote count or weighted (bayesian) rating within your posts
Display a widget with the top rated posts in your sidebar
Allow you to create your own rating formula
Why another rating plugin? Because the existing ones are either outdated, bloated with useless functionality, or just too buggy 🙂
SEO Smart Links provides automatic SEO benefits for your site in addition to custom keyword lists, nofollow and much more. Using seo smart links you can increase page views per visit wordpress.
SEO Smart Links can automatically link keywords and phrases in your posts and comments with corresponding posts, pages, categories and tags on your blog.
Further SEO Smart links allows you to set up your own keywords and set of matching URLs. Finally SEO Smart links allows you to set nofollow attribute and open links in new window.
It is a perfect solution to get your blog posts interlinked or add affiliate links to other sites.
Everything happens completely transparent, and you can edit the options from the administration settings panel.
TW Recent Posts Widget is advanced version of the WordPress Recent Posts widget allowing increased customization to display recent posts from category you define. Using recent post widget you can increase page views per visit wordpress.
Output will depend on your settings, and you may define to set post title, post date, featured image and post excerpt.
If you set to display featured image, than you will be able to define image width and height in px.
If you set to display excerpt, than you will be able to define how many characters to print and also you may add custom read more text.
Display cool, animated flyout or fade box with related content. Just like New York Times. Using upprev popup you can increase page views per visit wordpress.
When a reader scrolls to the bottom of a single post, page or custom post type, a button animates in the page’s bottom right or left corner, allowing the reader to select the previous or random available post or posts in the selected configuration:
Just previous
Previous in category
Previous in tag
Related using YARPP (only post/pages)
This plugin lets you show a different greeting message to your new visitors depending on their referrer url. For example, when a Digg user clicks through from Digg, they will see a message reminding them to digg your post if they like it. Another example, when a visitor clicks through from Twitter, they will see a message suggesting them to twit the post and follow you on Twitter. You can also set a default greeting message for new visitors (not matching any referrer URLs) suggesting them to subscribe to your RSS feed. Having these targeted suggestions will help your blog increase exposure, loyal readership, and reader interaction. Best of all, this plugin is compatible with WPMU and various WordPress cache plugins (so you do not have to sacrifice speed). Using greet box you can increase page views per visit wordpress. Features:
Show a different greeting message to your visitor depending on the referrer URL. You can add/edit/delete/disable these greeting messages as you choose.
Beautiful set of icons shipped along with the different default referrers.
Clickable icon in greeting messages with target=_blank option.
Greeting messages automatically get inserted into the top of your posts upon activation. There is no need to modify theme files.
Ability to auto-insert greeting message to the top or bottom of the post.
Greeting messages can be user closeable or not.
Ability to detect the visitor’s search keywords from major search engines and automatically display related posts under or above the greeting message.
Show a default greeting message even if the vistor does not match any of your configured referrer URL.
Show a default greeting message even if the visitor does not have javascript enabled.
Cache compatible mode makes use of AJAX to display greeting messages in the frontend. This makes WP Greet Box compatible with other caching plugins (such as WP Super Cache) and WPMU.
AJAX administrative interface that uses nonce verification to discourage hackers.
Ability to keep displaying the greeting message until after the user clicks close for the first time. After that, the greeting message will not show up for that user anymore.
Ability to set a timeout to forget a visitor so we do not keep nagging them with greeting messages.
Ablity to set rules to exclude some referrer URLs from seeing greeting messages. Regular expressions is also supported (but not required!).
Ultra customizeable greeting message box (with CSS) allowing you to prepend/append HTML around the greeting message box.
Ability to disable included CSS for manual CSS management.
Ability to disable included JS for manual JS management.
Available “greet_box_text” filter for other plugins to modify greeting message before outputting.
Ability to import and export all WP Greet Box Settings.
Currently the following referrers are installed by default, but you can easily.
My Comments: Above plugin will increase your page views by at-least 50% for sure. You just need to install above plugins in your wordpress site and add some widgets in sidebar or footer area. I tested the above plugins. I found above wordpress plugins are very promising.