Top 10 things about all countries as per review of 2010

Everybody is always excited about knowing the best and top ten things in the world. In this article I am going to give you information about most of the things. Here is very interesting facts of every countries, 10 things about all countries as per review.

Top 10 things about all countries as per review of 2010

I created sections as per interests for putting together the top things.


1. deepest oceans and seas

2. longest rivers in the world

3. worlds largest lakes

4. largest countires

5. countries with most billionaries

6. top ten cleanest countries

7. countires with great population

8. countries with most airports

9. ten largest workstations

10. the ten household size

11. countries-most-birthday-per-day

12. lowest-average-birth-weight-in-countires

13. top-ten-countires-with-highest-life-expectancy

14. highest-death-rates-in-the-world

15. countires-with-the-highest-divorce-rates

16. countires-with-the-highest-suicide-rates


17.  top-ten-best-european-cities-to-visit

18. top-ten-best-honymoon-destinations

20. top-ten-expensive-restaurants


21. best-selling-cars

22. the-fastest-cars-in-the-world

23. biggest-car-production

24. most-common-causes-of-accidental-death


25. bottled-water-drinking-nations

26. biggest-alcohol-consumption

27. bread-consumers

28. chocolate-consumers

29. coffee-drinking-nations

30. ice-cream-consumeners

10 things about all countries as per review
10 things about all countries as per review

31. countries-with-the-most-number-of-cows

32. top-ten-most-intelligent-breeds-of-dogs

34. biggest-atheletes

35. the-most-intriguing-characters

How you can disable Google Buzz

last week google launched the google buzz to challenge the  twitter. Google buzz got really huge amount of response. Now they did some modification in application so that will be easy to disable the unwanted google buzz.

How you can disable Google Buzz

Google’s engineers made some quick changes as a result of the backlash, including a security flaw affecting mobile Buzz users, a setup process that has you manually accepting followers, and an easier way to disable Buzz

You can disable the google buzz following these steps.

1. login to your gmail account first.

2. Click on setting button (right top side)

3. choose buzz option and choose your settings as per your choice.

How you can disable Google Buzz
How you can disable Google Buzz

Using following setting google really saving the people privacy.

wordpress vs wordpressmu

As we know the wordpress is best featured CMS and growing very fast. Thousands sites are building wordpress daily. When it comes to which wordpress CMS we need to use then You should think about following points. Points about wordpress vs wordpressmu

wordpress vs wordpressmu

I am WordPressMU fan frankly speaking but that comes after words. When you are choosing wordpress client in senorio you should better understand the requirement and future plans of client.

In this article I am going to talk about some good features of both (wordpress and wordpressMU). We should also discuss about when to choose wordpress and when to choose wordpressmu.


  • Use WordPress When following criteria is fitting with your client.
wordpress vs wordpressmu
wordpress vs wordpressmu

1. When client want create website in very less time

2. There are only few admin are going to handle the site

3. There is not so much huge amount of data to listed on website

4. Client is no huge future plans about website

5. If client want so much free plugins or many features.

6. Client has less knowledge about handling CMS

7. For single small firms  and business like (lawyer, Doctor, real estate agents, builders, witter,  advertiser,   engineers, professionals). In this situation wordpress is best suitable.

8. For small sites and wordpress will give the best performance.

9. SEO purpose wordpress is the best tool.

10. You will get so many free plugins and tools for wordpress

11. You will easily get the so much help and documentation

12. wordpress will always get first update from wordpress compnay

13. Performance – WordPress gives the is best in performance. But you should think about data size.


  • Use WordPressMU When following criteria is fitting with your client.
wordpress vs wordpressmu
wordpress vs wordpressmu

1. When Client has big future plans with the website

2. There is enough time develop the site

3. If client is agree to develop custom solutions

4. If client is taking interest and he is having some knowledge about CMS

5. They are so many authors going to write and mange the website

6. There is very huge data need to be insert in website

7. For Big firms and business like (Magazine, Publication house, book writters, groups, social community, Big manufactures, big offices…etc). In this situation wordpressmu is the best solution.

8. For bigger sites I would recommend use wordpressMU

9. SEO purpose wordpressmu is also good but you need to do some customization in code.

10. For wordpressmu there are always few plugins and tool. (No plugins like wordpress)

11. You will get documentation and help but limited becasue not so many developers working on WordPressMU

12. WordPressMU always wait for update from wordpress company

13. Performance – WordPressMU gives best in performance in any condition.

But still I say I love WordPressMU and I think in future automatic will merge wordpress with wordpressMU.

So have fun and develop sites in wordpress.

free desktop software for wordpress bloggers

WordPress is so powerful and popular in these days because of SEO friendly behavior. I love to write a blogs. Many times I got issue with writing blogs with browsers. So I was searching for good tool that has desktop application features and as well as that will connect to my blog.

free desktop software for wordpress bloggers

I got so many trial and paid desktop softwares but I was looking for specially free tool.

In this post I am going to share the best and easy but still free desktop software for wordpress bloggers.

Zoundry (Free for Download)

free desktop software for wordpress bloggers
free desktop software for wordpress bloggers

Description: This software is excellent! This is what I had in mind when I set out to find desktop blogging software for wordpress. The usability is excellent. Initially, I expected some type of configuration wizard or walk-through. Instead, what I received was a panel that had the steps with links on how to set up my blog for Zoundry lovin’. I believe it worked better than a walk-through could have, since it taught me the way to set up another blog if I needed it. This app got out of my way and let me do what I set out to do. Zoundry was definitely built by a programmer with excellent usability experience.


  • Automatic blog-type discovery (just provide the URL!)
  • Easy to set up accounts
  • Imports your blog posts
  • Getting started tab guides you through blog set up
  • HTML validator built into the code view (big plus)
  • WYSIWYG features still usable in code view
  • Includes a publish menu to finalize your decisions, tags, trackbacks, etc.

(Free for Download)

free desktop software for wordpress bloggers
free desktop software for wordpress bloggers

Summary: W.Bloggar is great… I almost want to stop testing. This tool is extremely good at what it does. It does everything I was looking for, and has no extra useless features. Pinging Technorati (and other ping services) is a nice plus, something Zoundry also did. This one edges out Zoundry with it’s clean and intuitive interface.


  • The software seems extremely well put together
  • Walk-through on intro
  • Clean interface

1000+ free best and beautiful twitter icons for your website

Twitter is basically a simple social networking site and growing very fast. we have collected the nice collection of 1000+ free best and beautiful twitter icons for your website

free best and beautiful twitter icons

You can think of it as a hybrid of email, instant messaging and sms messaging all rolled into one neat and simple package.

In this post I am going to list the best and beautiful twitter icons for your website.

30 Free Vector Twitter Buttons Download


Twitter Icon


Free Twitter Graphics


Twitter Icons with Attitude


Web 2.0rigami


Feed & Twitter Monster Icons


53 Brand New Twitter Icons

53 Brand New Twitter Icons

Adiumy Twitter

Adiumy Twitter

TWEETA A Free Twitter Icon Set

TWEETA A Free Twitter Icon Set

TwitterJoy icons

TwitterJoy icons

Custom Twitter Icon TwittART

Custom Twitter Icon TwittART

Birdies: A Free Twitter Icon Set

Birdies A Free Twitter Icon Set

Follow Me…Twitter Icon

Follow Me…Twitter Icon

Free Twitter Eggs

Free Twitter Eggs

Friday Freebies: Flavours Icon Set And Cute Tweeters Icon Set

Friday Freebies- Flavours Icon Set And Cute Tweeters Icon Set

Free Twitter Bottle Cap Icons

Free Twitter Bottle Cap Icons



22 different and unique custom twitter icons22 different and unique custom twitter icons

Animated Twitter-Bird icons

Animated Twitter-Bird icons

50 Free and Exclusive Twitter Icons

50 Free and Exclusive Twitter Icons

Sprtstwtr Icons

Sprtstwtr Icons

Some best WordPress Hacks for theme developer

there are many wordpress theme deverlopers who are looking for wordpress hacks for theme developer. we have best collection of wordpress hacks for theme developer. Some best WordPress Hacks for theme developer.

wordpress hacks for theme developer

 wordpress hacks for theme developer
wordpress hacks for theme developer

WordPress themes market has grown incredibly. Due to lot of amazing new functionality an synchronization with all social sites.

1. Create TinyURLs with your wordpress site
Open your single.php file and paste the following in the loop:

echo 'Tiny Url for this post: <a href="'.bloginfo('siteurl').'?p=.'$post->ID.'">'.bloginfo('siteurl').'?p=.'$post->ID.'</a>'

2. Use The Loop To Create An “Archive” Page Template

Create the php page called archive.php and create archive page through wordpress admin and select the archive page template from sidebar option.

In archive.php file you can following code:

Template Name: Archives

<?php get_header(); ?>

<h2><?php $numposts = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_status = 'publish'");
if (0 < $numposts) $numposts = number_format($numposts); ?>
<h2><?php echo $numposts.' recipes published since October 06, 2008'; ?>

<ul id="archive-list">
$myposts = get_posts('numberposts=-1&');
foreach($myposts as $post) : ?>
<li><?php the_time('m/d/y') ?>: <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></li>
<?php endforeach; ?>

<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>

3. Create A “Share the article with Facebook” Button
Use the following code in your loop where you want show the facebook share button.

<a href="<?php get_permalink();?>&t=<?php the_title(); ?>" target="blank">Share on Facebook</a>

4. Use More Than One Loop On A Page, Without Printing Duplicate Posts

If you want to use two query post in page or post. you can use following code:

$ids = array();
while (have_posts()) : the_post();
$ids[] = get_the_ID();

query_posts(array('post__not_in' => $ids));
while (have_posts()) : the_post();

5. Insert Ads After The First Post
If you want show the ad after first post then use the following code:

<?php if (have_posts()) : ?>
<?php $count = 0; ?>
<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
<?php $count++; ?>
<?php if ($count == 2) : ?>
//Paste your ad code here
<h2><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
<?php else : ?>
<h2><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; ?>

There are so many wordpress tricks and hack you can found in this website. Search more.

10 best free premium wordpress themes collection

I spent lot of time to checking the wordpress themes and checking how they really looking with webpage. I am also curious about wordpress theme functionality. I always looked for theme look simple, sober and professional. The handling of website should be easy. not so much complex for managing the website.

When ever we talk about wordpress premium themes, we thought that is paid but still there is many . Here is best of collection.

free premium wordpress themes

I always recommend, First see some good premium wordpress themes and then make your decisions.

Here in this article I am going to give some very unique and best but still free premium wordpress themes list.

1. BigMug

bizmag free premium wordpress themes
free premium wordpress themes

Demo | Download

2. Solostream – WP-Clear


Demo | Download

3. WP_010


Demo | Download

4. Cubit


Demo | Download

5. Corpozine


Demo | Download

6. Grungemag


Demo | Download

7. Yestilo


Demo | Download

8. WPLaunch


Demo | Download

9. Purple Fever


Demo | Download

10. Visionary


Demo | Download

Google Buzz Button – WordPress plugin free Download

In this we are going to give you the good news about google buzz feature is now wordpress blogger can include in their blogs. Just download the our new Google Buzz Button plugin.

Using this Google Buzz plugin you are able add the Google Buzz button in your post and excerpt.
The Google Buzz button easily allows your blog to be shared. You can customize the CSS as per your requirement. Google Buzz has admin panel which will give you the more control.


This plugin has nice admin panel. Using that admin panel you can configure the setting of button.


Download Plugin : Google Buzz Button

Official Link :

Note: Please do vote for my plugin on wordpress plugin site as works…

How to schedule events in wordpress

As we all know cron job can be scheduled in linux systems. So scheduling the any job in wordpress is easy because scheduling the events in wordpress is provided by wordpress itself.

How to schedule events in wordpress

How to schedule events in wordpress
How to schedule events in wordpress

WordPress provides the following functions to schedule the events.

wp_schedule_event(); //using this method you can schedule events.

You can pass following parameters to this method.

wp_schedule_event(time(), ‘hourly’, ‘your_event’);

Following params you need to pass to this method.

(integer) (required) The first time that you want the event to occur. This must be in a UNIX timestamp format.

Default: None

(string) (required) How often the event should reoccur. Valid values:

* hourly
* twicedaily
* daily

Default: None

(string) (required) The name of an action hook to execute.

Default: None

(array) (optional) Arguments to pass to the hook function(s).

Default: None

You can Schedule an hourly event. Example as follows:

register_activation_hook(__FILE__, ‘my_activation’);
add_action(‘my_hourly_event’, ‘do_this_hourly’);

function my_activation() {
wp_schedule_event(time(), ‘hourly’, ‘my_hourly_event’);

function do_this_hourly() {
// do something every hour

Don’t forget to clean the scheduler on deactivation:

register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__, ‘my_deactivation’);

function my_deactivation() {

Now I am going to tell you how to extend the wp_schedule_event().
We can add the more recurrences adding following code.

function ten_minute_reccurences() {
return array(
‘ten_minute_reccurences’ => array(‘interval’ => 60*10, ‘display’ => ‘Once in Ten Mintues’),
add_filter(‘cron_schedules’, ‘ten_minute_reccurences’);

If you want check this recurrences added to wp_schedule_event or not. You need to just use following code to print recurrences

php print_r(wp_get_schedules());  ?>

I found useful following URLs.

If you have PHP knowledge than you should open wp-includes/cron.php file. This file has best information and methods about scheduler.

How to customize read more for every wordpress post

So many clients had requirement about customize read more link for every post. Tutorial for, How to customize read more for every wordpress post.

So achieving this functionality in easiest way is following.

Just add following code in your functions.php file.

//The Query

//The Loop
if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();

global $post;
$thePostID = $post->ID;
$custom_read_more = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'custom_read_more', true);

if ($custom_read_more) {
add_post_meta($thePostID, 'custom_read_more', 'You need to read this article');  //custom read more value

customize read more for every wordpress post
customize read more for every wordpress post

Now you are set to use the custom read more value for each post. You need to just copy paste the following code in your index.php and page.php and single.php file.

<?php $custom_read_more = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'custom_read_more', true); ?>

<?php if (!$custom_read_more) { $custommore = 'Read More &raquo;'; } ?>

<?php the_content($custom_read_more); ?>