Recently, I came across very weird issue. I found wordpress 3.3 dashboard blank issue on my PC. There are many wordpress admin pages not shown to me. suddenly all admin pages became blank.
Only left side bar was visible to me. I checked my site in firefox, chrome, IE browser but same result. I am not able to see the posts, dashboard. Only left sidebar was visible.
I was using wordpress Version 3.3.2. I was using php 5.5 on my local box.
solved wordpress 3.3 dashboard blank issue
Note: This issue nothing to do with plugins or images. When I realized on production server I was using PHP 5.3 and local box I am using PHP 5.5 version. I quickly solved issue.
I enabled debug mode of wordpress using wp-config.php file. You can open wp-config.php file put following code in that.
* For developers: WordPress debugging mode.
* Change this to true to enable the display of notices during development.
* It is strongly recommended that plugin and theme developers use WP_DEBUG
* in their development environments.
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
When I checked apache error logs I found following error:
Fatal error: Access to undeclared static property: WP_Screen::$this in blog/wp-admin/includes/screen.php on line 706
This is old bug in WordPress 3.3 versions which causing issue.
To solve the issue you can update WordPress to the current stable release and do integration testing afterwards. Or you can do a quick bug fix.
Open file in your wordpress, wp-admin/includes/screen.php in any text editor.
On line no 706 find following PHP statement: <?php echo self::$this->_help_sidebar; ?>
Replace with above: <?php echo $this->_help_sidebar; ?>
Save changes and that will solve your issue.
<?php echo $this->_help_sidebar; ?>
Above code is working with PHP 5.3 version but with newer PHP 5.5 version. We are facing issues.
There are some pre-installed user roles in wordpress. I am trying to allow wordpress contributors to upload files. I have many requests for guest author writers. I give the contributors role to them. But I faced one issue. which is I cannot allow wordpress contributors users to upload image files.
allow wordpress contributors to upload files
I want to achieve following two things:
I want to allow wordpress contributor users to allow images for their posts and preferably they shouldn’t be able to delete existing ones before submitting it for review.
I want to article should be in draft state but it cannot be edited by contributor users.
For image upload option to contributors
Add this code in your current theme’s functions.php
if ( current_user_can('contributor') && !current_user_can('upload_files') )
add_action('admin_init', 'allow_contributor_uploads');
function allow_contributor_uploads() {
$contributor = get_role('contributor');
This is easy trick but their is more advanced solution. You can use Members wordpress plugin. This plugin solve our issue more easily.
Members is a plugin that extends your control over your blog. It’s a user, role, and capability management plugin that was created to make WordPress a more powerful CMS.
It puts you in control over permissions on your site by providing a user interface (UI) for WordPress’ powerful role and cap system, which is traditionally only available to developers who know how to code this by hand.
I personally used this plugin for some of my wordpress projects. It is my favorite wordpress plugin which will open new doors to wordpress. I think this plugin should be wordpress core.
We will give you 9 Easy Ways to Speed Up Your WordPress Site If you have been part of virtual world for some time, it’s least likely that you haven’t heard about WordPress, but did you know?
Speed Up Your WordPress
I think this might give you a hint of how popular WordPress is right now (and its popularity doesn’t seem to halt anytime soon!).
And oh, my bad, I forgot to mention these few bits:
Fact of the matter is that WordPress serves amazingly well as an efficient CMS platform, but it can slow down as well if it’s not optimized rightly. And trust me, you don’t want this. Why? Because a study by shows that:
47% people showing up on a website expect the page to load in less than two seconds.
40% are likely to move elsewhere from a web page that takes over three seconds to load.
52% of online shoppers confessed to show loyalty to a site whose web pages load quickly.
Speed Up Your WordPress
So, here I am with these 9 tips to help you get the best of WordPress in speed.
1. Start with a fast and reliable web hosting company
One of the simplest (and yet overlooked!) ways to improve your WordPress site is to resort to a fast as well as reliable web host. I recommend not going for cheap shared hosting solutions, as those are really overcrowded and you might end up sharing your hosting resources with hundreds of other users.
So many hosting companies impose various limitations to their shared hosting plans, hosting (read hording!) hundreds of sites on just one server to slash hosting fees, which chokes the resources. The better alternative is to go for a VPS or managed WordPress hosting depending upon your site visitors, business niche and financial viability.
2. Choose an efficient framework/theme
This is where sometimes even people having years of experience can make a mistake, i.e. choosing an inefficient and heavy framework/theme. Many people trade speed and efficiency of a WordPress framework/theme with unnecessary features, which can affect them seriously.
It’s better to keep away from bloated frameworks loaded with fancy features (which a serious web contender seldom needs) that can delay the process of crawling your site. Similarly, too much plugins also take a toll on your site speed. So, make sure you equip your website with only what it needs to keep up with its functionality seamlessly.
3. Resort to helpful caching plugins
Talking of plugins; instead of falling for some fancy plugins that might choke the speed of your site; go for caching plugins, which are designed to help improve page loading time significantly. The best thing is that you can get all of them on free of cost and they are not complicated to use at all.
Based on my personal experiences, I would recommend W3 Total Cache rather than trying anything else. It is loaded with all features that can help you better your site speed. It doesn’t take either much of time or effort in downloading, installing and using it.
4. Make use of a CDN (Content Delivery Network)
You might have never heard of this, but all those big blogs out there that you like so much, are making use of CDN, also known as Content Delivery Network. It is one great way of reducing loading time of a webpage.
What it does is collects all the static files present on your website (images, CSS, javascript, etc), places them strategically on a collection of serves across the globe. Now whenever a visitor wants to download them, he is routed to the server located closest to him geographically, saving much of his time doing so.
There is also another aspect to this. Since the content of your site is being loaded from multiple servers in different locations, any traffic spike is least likely to bother visitors.
5. Leverage image optimization
Many of you must have used or at least heard of, a wonderful image optimizer used by Yahoo. It helps you reduce image file size drastically, more importantly, without affecting quality of the image.
The good news is that you can do the same on WordPress with a plugin called WP-SmushIt for free. In fact, if you have it installed, it will optimize all images that you choose to add to your site by itself, automatically, leaving not much on you to worry about.
6. Don’t forget about WordPress database optimization
Fact of the matter is that you cannot expect a database-driven website (all CMS-based sites including WordPress) to work well without optimizing your database.
There are a few things you have to consider in this regard, starting from monitoring code for slow queries. For sites on VPS or dedicated server, enabling query caching and optimizing database server configuration does the trick.
Or, you can resort to a wondrous tool like WP-Optimize plugin, which will take care of all such concerns without even letting you know when and how it’s done.
7. Homepage needs optimization too
Call it tweaking if too much of ‘optimization’ is driving you crazy, but you can’t overlook it if you want your WordPress site speed up. Though whole of your site should be fast enough, but homepage remains the most important part of your site, as majority of people will land there more than anywhere else on a website. Some of the things you can do to optimize homepage of your website include:
Limit the number of posts to be seen on a page.
Display a brief excerpt as an intro with your posts rather than showing full post.
Cut down the number of social sharing widgets on homepage
In short, these are just a few things to help you make your homepage load quick; ultimately do everything possible to keep it this way.
8. Introduce LazyLoad
Well, this is another great way of serving your visitors with a quickly loading webpage. It involves loading only those images on a webpage that are above the fold (the images which visitors can see in their browser windows). The next set of images is loaded as soon as a visitor scrolls down, minimizing loading time ingeniously.
This not only results in your page loading quickly, but it also helps in saving your bandwidth, as less data is loaded for users who don’t scroll down through the end.\
9. Avoid Pingbacks and Tracbaks
WordPress is designed to respond to the requests from other blogs featuring pingbacks and trackbacks by default, which ends up harming more than charming when it comes to site speed. Turning this intrinsic feature off in your WordPress settings will not affect the backlinks strengthening the position of your website; it will just reduce extra labor.
Over to you now
This is where my list to improve WordPress site speed ends for now, but this can’t be all about it, surely. That’s why I am handing it over to you now; feel free to share your experiences and opinions with us on this in the comment section below.
In wordpress comments most effective way of discussion and communication with people. Some times we want to delete some or all comments from wordpress website. Here in this tutorial, we given some basic ways to delete the wordpress comments from your site.
How to delete all wordpress comments
Note: Before doing anything, it is important to take backup of your database is very important. Always take backup of your database and file system before performing any major database of plugin related operation.
Delete comments through database
If you have access to your database through PHPmyadmin than go to there. If you have shared hosting panel than in dashboard page you will find the PHPmyadmin link or icon there. Login to PHPmyadmin and select your wordpess database. You are able to see page like as follows:
Select the wp_comments and wp_commentmeta table and select empty option from dropdown. Do not press drop icon. It is very dangerous. Only make it empty table. Above tables are very important to run your wordpess site.
2. Use delete all comments wordpress plugin.
Go to this page “Delete All Comments” and download this plugin. Install wordpress plugin your site using admin panel. Do not forget to activate this plugin through plugins option.
After activating this plugin go to Tools->Delete all comments section or page.
Check above checkbox (Delete all comments) and hit Delete All button. It will delete all comments from your wordpress site.
If you want to change user color scheme for all users on your site and change user experience. You can change default admin color scheme without any plugin. You need need to add small code snippet into your theme’s functions.php file. You can find this file in your theme folder.
Open functions.php file and put following code in that file.
There are many wordpress admin related methods and code snippet written in my site. simply use search functionality for more code snippets or check wordpress tutorials section.
Selling digital downloads is something that not a single one of the large WordPress ecommerce plugins has ever gotten really right. This plugin aims to fix that. Instead of focusing on providing every single feature under the sun, Easy Digital Downloads tries to provide only the ones that you really need. It aims to make selling digital downloads through WordPress easy, and complete.
Enable Sales Alerts for Digital Downloads wihtout plugin. You will first need to add the ID of the download you wish to be alerted about. You can then set the default milestone amount, currently the snippet is at 100.
You can download his full code base from following URL
function sumobi_edd_milestone_sales_alert( $purchase_id ) {
// ID of download to check
$download_id = 8;
// sales milestone to reach
$milestone = 100;
// email/s to send the notification to. Add more emails to array if necessary
$send_to = get_option( ‘admin_email’ );
// get the current number of sales for the download
$sales = get_post_meta( $download_id, ‘_edd_download_sales’, true );
// message to be included in the email
$message = sprintf( ‘Congratulations, you have just reached your milestone of %s sales for %s! View this sale here: %s’, $milestone, get_the_title( $download_id ), admin_url( ‘edit.php?post_type=download&page=edd-payment-history&view=view-order-details&id=’ . $purchase_id ) );
// send email is milestone is reached
if ( $milestone == $sales ) {
wp_mail( $send_to, ‘Milestone reached!’, $message );
add_action( ‘edd_complete_purchase’, ‘sumobi_edd_milestone_sales_alert’ );
Credit goes to Andrew Munro. Thanks him for this snippet.
Some days before I installed new wordpress 4.3 version, I came across with issue of sending email forcefully to new wordpress user on their email address. Many times wordpress admin wants to create users like authors, contributers and subscribers in their website. But with newer version of wordpress, we cannot create wordpress users without informing them.
This password email change is added for better security. This feature has following feature.
– Strong admin control over options
– Random generator is fine, but
– Strong passwords mandatory, at least XX (16? 20?) characters
Here is tutorial for disable sending password email to new wordpress users
Following is screen shot of user creation form in wordpress 4.3 and newer version.
Disable sending password email to new wordpress users
Many times, I requested to add guest post so, I wanted to create contributes. But due to this feature, I cannot create users without email confirmation.
Here is solution:
You can add following code in your functions.php file, which you can find in your wordpress theme folder.
// Fix New User Email Send
if ( !function_exists('wp_new_user_notification') ) :
function wp_new_user_notification( $user_id, $notify = '' ) { }
After adding this code, I am able to create wordpress user without sending email to user.
WordPress theme customization gives you an opportunity to add some extra features to your website. In website development, there is always more than one way to perform a job, however, these quick do’s and don’ts will show you which way to choose to get better results within stipulated time period.
Do and Dont of WordPress Theme Customization
Don’t Hack Parent Theme’s Code
This is the first and foremost thing to keep in mind. Do not ever alter or change the core! There are many bloggers who keep making the same mistake of changing the parent code. Constant updates of wordpress makes it difficult for a blogger or developer to keep the modifications made previously. With every update of wordpress, the modifications get lost. Also, the changes made in the core may lead to the failure of wordpress plugins or other important aspects.
Do Use Child Themes
One of the best ways to make changes in your wordpress theme is to create a child theme. It will allow you to make as many changes as you want in your wordpress theme while keeping the basic functionality alive and in proper working condition.
Do’s and Don’ts of WordPress Theme Customization
Don’t Use Inline Styles
Never use inline styles! This may seem convenient and easy at first, but you will definitely end up regretting. Inline styles have high preference and therefore, it will always win whether you have created external CSS style sheet or not. In addition, unlike external style sheets, inline styles are not easy to maintain. With infinite coding lines, you wouldn’t want to waste your time and effort on figuring out which inline style needs modification to get the required result.
In case you must put inline styles, use embedded style sheets in the <head> section instead. At least this way you can easily manage and modify them whenever you need.
Do Make Use of Core Options
WordPress comes with many options, plugins and functions, which are so easy to incorporate into your theme. Though these options don’t get used very often, they are a great way to enhance the functionality of your theme. One such example is of “date format”. You can simply incorporate it to users date or time format on comments.
Don’t Hardcode URLs
For some obvious reasons, don’t hardcore URLs. Make sure to use actions available in the coding.
Reasons why you shouldn’t hardcode URLs:
Plan on changing your domain name in the near future? If so, you’ll also need to change your hard-coded URLs.
If you are working on a local server and going to move it to server anytime soon, you should rather avoid hard-coding URLs.
You theme will break down if you are going to use it on another website.
Do use Enqueue function
Using enqueue function lets wordpress manage the queuing of all the files which are loaded at the right time. There are numerous reasons of avoiding the addition of resource into the init action. First of all, there is no way of checking whether or not a file has been loaded. Secondly, the scripts and styles will be loaded on every page when using in it. Also, it may lead to failure of some plugins.
Make wordpress customization easy with these tips.
WordPress is a popular CMS that is lauded for its exquisite features, including easy accessibility, manageability, and intuitive interface, to name a few. It can support any business niche, so you can efficiently boost your business with a prolific online presence. Moreover, this open source platform comes jam-packed with amazing support, captivating themes and resourceful plugins.
Today, a quarter of the entire web is WordPress powered, and its active community persistently endeavors to ensure the most advanced and latest features of WordPress. Also the advent and rapid advancements in smart mobile devices have created a great buzz across the globe. As a result, it can be observed that the major part of the web traffic originates from mobile devices, instead of desktops; and this trend is only expected to continue. This clearly indicates the need of optimizing your website for mobile visitors.
Top 4 Methods And Tips To make A WordPress Site Responsive
If you are still not convinced, keep reading. Now, Google also favors mobile-friendly websites, while indexing them in search results. I hope you won’t like to observe a drop in your search ranking, it will heavily impact your business. Thus, it will be wise to make your website mobile optimized so that you can rivet your gigantic mobile audience.
For the folks who are interested in making their WP website run smoothly over the myriads of mobile devices as well as desktops, responsive web design makes a much sought after choice. There are several ways that can help you make your WP site responsive. To help you accomplish the task with a flair, this article will reveal the commendable methods and tips to build a responsive WordPress website.
Let’s explore them one by one.
1. Make Use Of A Suitable Responsive Theme
Fortunately, the WordPress repository is loaded with plenty of responsive themes, you can choose the one that best suits your website and create a ravishing look and feel for both mobile and desktop users. While there is a slew of overwhelming options available around, it is easy to get confused. Here are some commendable responsive themes for your consideration.
Responsive Theme – It is a flexible theme featuring a fluid grid system that can adapt your website to any mobile device or desktop. It comes complete with 11 widget areas, 6 template layouts, 9 page templates, and a lot more. The theme also supports a list of useful plugins that further elevate its credibility.
BizWay – The innovative and elegant design of BizWay is sure to drive conversions and sales. This responsive theme is designed to run seamlessly on a device.
2. You May Choose To Install An Appropriate Plugin
Like WP themes, there are several WP plugins that are popular for providing a valuable responsive solution. You can install a suitable plugin and enhance your website performance to captivate your mobile viewers. Whether you want to optimize the loading speed for mobiles, or showcase a different theme for mobile and desktop visitors, there are plugins for almost everything. For instance, WP Mobile Detector, WPTouch, JetPack, and so forth.
3. By using Media Queries
If you are from a technical background, you may choose to optimize your website for mobiles by implementing media queries. It involves several steps, which are elucidated below.
Declaring Media Queries – If you have installed any responsive WP theme, you can access the CSS file that can be used to define a mobile version and desktop version. However, the default CSS will vary on the basis of the screen size, make it certain that it supports a standard screen size. For this, simply set the maximum width to 320 pixels (or you may change it to 780 pixels or 1024 pixel screen sizes).
@media screen and (max-width: 320px)
Creating Fluid Images – A common issue that can be often observed in many websites is that while boasting a responsive layout, there images are not mobile optimized. You can ensure a surefire performance of your site on mobiles by creating fluid images in your website. To accomplish this, you just need to assign relative units to the images of your site, instead of using the absolute pixel dimensions. And, for this, it is essential to set the maximum width of your image to 100 percent; you can implement the below mentioned line of code for this.
<img style=”max-width: 100%; height: auto;” src=”example_img.jpg” alt=”An example image.” />
Adjusting The Typography – It is essential to make your website content adapt the targeted device’s screen in an optimal fashion. Content includes text and other media files. In order to deliver a brilliant UX, it is vital to make your text size adjust itself on the basis of the targeted screen size. This can be achieved by implementing the following lines of code.
body {
font-size: 80%;
line-height: 1.5em;
4. Ensure A Simple Navigation – Navigation can ruin or improve the look and feel of a website. Thus, it is recommended to keep the key factors in mind for designing an optimal navigation. Take care of the UI elements to ensure whether a user can easily fetch a requisite info with ease or not.
Final Thought
Mobile-friendly websites are imperative to secure a sustainable success, and responsive website can deliver a superlative performance. Thoroughly review the key points mentioned above and proficiently optimize your site for mobiles as well as desktop.
WordPress is the most reliable Content Management System that offers millions of handy plugins. With the help of powerful plugins, you can make your website look professional and attractive.
A plugin refers to a series of functions that is added to your WordPress site to expand its functionality. That means you can introduce any function to your site by adding the most suitable and relevant plugin.
Sadly, plugins can also create troubles like a problem occurs in any piece of coding.
Error in a plugin is the biggest challenge for the web developer as it can create a lot of problem in your site. Plugin errors can occur after installing, updating the plugin or after updating the WordPress core to the latest version.
Normally, A Plugin Error Occurs Due to the Following Issues:
Poor Coding – A badly coded plugin will create problems regardless what type of plugin or theme you are using.
Clash with Another Plugin – It is not necessary that all the plugins added in the WordPress site will play the similar role. And when the plugins provide similar functionality then there will be a change of conflict between the two plugins.
Clash with WordPress – There will be a possibility that a plugin code gets incompatible with the code used in the WP core files. Due to this, many plugin developers update their plugin after the release of new version of WordPress to ensure that all the plugins are compatible.
Conflict with the Site’s Theme – Many theme functions are located in the theme’s function.php.file. The basic rule of expanding the theme’s functionality by using function is the same as adding functionality via plugin. Virtually, problems can arise if they are coded poorly.
Do you know, a plugin displays an error message in your admin panel or stops the plugin’s functionality? Through this, you can detect the plugin error in your WordPress site.
However, the most tremble situation occurs when the white screen of death appears on your live website. If it happens in the admin area, then this blank screen will prevent you. But, if this blank page will display on your live website, then you might get into the daunting situation.
What to Do Next after Viewing an Error Message?
You can resolve any plugin error by locating the plugins (that is creating problems) and deactivating it. When an error code is presented, the location of the problematic file will be showcased in the error message.
Suppose, you updated multiple plugins at the same time, then it would become difficult to detect which plugin is causing the error. But, the error message contains the exact location of the file that is causing the error.
What to Do Next if You Can Access Your Plugin Admin Page?
If you find any error message or if the message doesn’t help detecting the plugin that is causing the error, then you will be required to locate that plugin manually. You can deactivate all the added plugins by using the bulk action option.
After deactivating all plugins, you need to reactivate all your plugins one by one. Once all plugins are activated, check your live website to see, is there are any messages or not. It is one of the traditional and efficient ways for detecting any plugin error.
If you are still viewing the error on your site after deactivating all plugins, then one thing is pretty clear that a WP plugin is not the cause of the error.
What to Do When You See the White Screen of Death in Your Admin Area?
If you see the white screen of death in your admin area, then you will not be able to deactivate all the plugins through WP admin panel.
But, you don’t need to worry because there is an easy way that can help you deactivate all your plugins. You only need to do is:
Connect to your WordPress Website by using FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client like FileZilla.
Create a backup of all the plugin files and folders placed at to a safe location on your system.
Delete all the plugins and folders.
Re-upload all of them to the plugin folder.
Trashing all of your plugins will automatically deactivate them. But, you need to reactivate them after uploading the plugin files.
Now, you can reactivate each of the plugin one by one.
Are Plugins the Main Cause of the Error?
We cannot blame plugins for the WordPress errors. If you deactivated all plugins and still see the same error, then a plugin is not the main cause for the error.
It can be your WordPress themes as well. A theme developer adds more and more functions to extend capabilities of their themes built from provided designs. But due to this, your theme may clash with the plugin, particularly when you install a plugin that installs similar functionality.
Other Reason for the WordPress Error:
Memory limits: Few plugins are known for being CPU or memory hogs. If you exceed your estimated limit, then you may see the white screen of death on your live WordPress site.
A Corrupt .htaccess File: In order to check your .htaccess file is creating problems, you can delete the file through FTP and upload the previous safe version.
Corrupted Core Files: Sometimes, core WordPress files get corrupted. Therefore, it is cautious to re-upload all core WP files to ensure the core files have uploaded accurately.
In this blog, we have discussed the points for solving the WordPress error or bug. As we know, plugins are the most important part of your website, but, sometimes, it creates trouble or problem that needs to be resolved as quick as is possible.
In order to detect the plugin error, you need to delete all the plugins and re-upload them. Deleting all plugins will automatically deactivate them. But, you need to reactivate them one by one and encounter the plugins that are causing the error.