In article, we have a list of best free premium wordpress themes for download which are available free download. searching for free premium wordpress themes. Everybody was searching for free premium wordpress themes for download. Many people thought there are very nice wordpress themes but that are not freely available. Here in this article I created a list of premium wordpress themes which are available for free download.
Many People want to create the wordpress theme. But they don’t know where to start and how to start. We given wordpress theme help for wordpress developers. For creating the wordpress theme only two files are important. First file is style.css file and index.php file if you create that only two files in your wordpress theme folder than also you can able to create the wordpress theme easily.
wordpress theme help for wordpress developers
Here I will show you which is necessary files in wordpress theme folder.
If you have very basic knowledge of php then you are able to create Above files very easily. In index.php file you need the PHP loop for showing the wordpress posts.
Using above code you can show the wordpress posts in your wordpress theme. Just you need to put above code in right place where you want to show the multiple posts.
Then Cut the header part of index.php file and put in header.php file and put < ?php get_header(); ?>
instead of deleted header part.
Then Cut the sidebar part of index.php file and put in sidebar.php file and put < ?php get_sidebar(); ?>
instead of deleted sidebar part.
Then Cut the footer part of index.php file and put in footer.php file and put < ?php get_footer(); ?>
instead of deleted footer part.
In single.php file you need to copy paste the index.php file and then put following code in the loop for showing the comments.
Above tags we called as template tags in wordpress api and themes.
In header.php file following lines or code is important. For title, description for blog home, theme url following code is useful. Following tags we called as “Template Bloginfo Tags”.
Where you want to show the title use following code.
< ?php bloginfo('name'); ?> - Title of the blog
< ?php bloginfo('charset'); ?> - Displays the character set
< ?php bloginfo('description'); ?> - Displays the description of the blog
< ?php bloginfo('url'); ?> - Displays the address of the blog
< ?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?> - Displays the RSS URL
< ?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?> - Displays the URL of the template
< ?php bloginfo('pingback_url'); ?> - Displays the pingback URL
< ?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?> - Displays the URL for the template's CSS file
< ?php bloginfo('wpurl'); ?> - Displays URL for WordPress installation
< ?php bloginfo('name'); ?>
Common and very useful wordpress theme tags as follows.
< ?php the_time() ?> - Displays the time of the current post
< ?php the_date() ?> - Displays the date of a post or set of posts
< ?php the_title(); ?> - Displays or returns the title of the current post
< ?php the_permalink() ?> - Displays the URL for the permalink
< ?php the_category() ?> - Displays the category of a post
< ?php the_author(); ?> - Displays the author of the post
< ?php the_ID(); ?> - Displays the numeric ID of the current post
< ?php wp_list_pages(); ?> - Displays all the pages
< ?php wp_tag_cloud(); ?> - Displays a tag cloud
< ?php wp_list_cats(); ?> - Displays the categories
< ?php get_calendar(); ?> - Displays the calendar
< ?php wp_get_archives() ?> - Displays a date-based archives list
< ?php posts_nav_link(); ?> - Displays Previous page and Next Page links
< ?php next_post_link() ?> - Displays Newer Posts link
< ?php previous_post_link() ?> - Displays previous link
With this article I attached the very useful wordpress 3.0 help functions list. Please download that also.
wordpress functions and theme help wordpress theme help for wordpress developers
Here in this article we collected, free fresh and high quality wordpress themes for bloggers. As blogger we need very high quality unique wordpress themes.
We all knows that every blogger searches creative and effective theme to attract the visitors. That’s true that theme of your site is also important thing to increase blog traffic. According to us theme must be user-friendly that when people will come on your site then they will find any stuffs quickly and without headache.
There are a lot of websites providing fresh and high quality themes on the net. Here in this post we have selected some outstanding themes for bloggers. Hope you’ll like these wonderful themes, you can tell us which one you like through your comments.
free fresh and high quality wordpress themes for bloggers
Thank You.
1: Zanblue
free fresh and high quality wordpress themes for bloggers
WordPress became popular in last few year. The best part of wordpress the great SEO tool. That’s why many people want to create their website using wordpress. It is fast and highly customizable.
Free WordPress themes for Beer Bars and Drinks
Here I am going to give some cool wordpress themes for Beer Bars and Drinks collection. It is free wp themes for beer bars. You can find many free wordpress themes which can be useful for beear bars and hotels. Following list is unique and carefully collected wp themes. If you use these themes then you can easily customize them as per your requirements.
We did used some these themes for our clients and after few customization and adding new content and images, It was looking so nice and great. You should try these themes. If you are looking for beer bars wordpress themes.
build site with free wordpress themes for yoga, skin, spa, beauty salon, health, fitness sites in wp. We collected nice list of free wordpess themes for creating Yoga and Skin and Health related site.
Many people want to create there Yoga center , Beauty or health center websites in wordpress. Many times we spend time to on searching wordpress themes related that.
free wordpress themes for yoga, skin, spa, beauty
Here I am going to tell some very nice and cool Yoga, skin and health wordpress themes.
We dont need to introduce the Barack Obama. Barack H. Obama is the 44th President of the United States. Here we collected Free Barack Obama wordpress themes.
When Barack Obama became President of the USA. We got really happy because that is the real world’s sign that world is changing and people are changing in very right and global direction. He shows the new way to the whole world. I can say only that. He is the result of Hope.
Free Barack Obama wordpress themes
He is first president of USA who used internet campaign very smartly and effectively. He used the power of social media and internet social media so effectively. That why I am giving the information about some social account information about Barack Obama.
Please check some very nice wordpress themes made for Barack Obama.
Probama Theme
Free Barack Obama wordpress themes
A timely WordPress theme for supporters of Senator Barack Obamaโs political career and presidential campaign. Built-in control panel options allow easy management of images, video, podcasts and other RSS info.
Photo Gallery is best way to showcase your images. many plugins gives features of animated gallery. collection of free wordPress image gallery plugins.
Photo Gallery, picture gallery, or slideshow are the best way to showcase your images/photos to your readers. There are a lot of different methods to create them, and the alternative you’re most likely to be using Flash or JavaScript. Now Jquery slider plugins are very popular these days. There are many wordperss image gallery plugins which gives you really great features of animated gallery. Here is nice collection of wordpress gallery plugins.
Free WordPress Image Gallery Plugins
Below is the most downloaded image gallery plugins that we have chosen directly from the wordpress plugin directory. To make it even easier for you to choose, I also added live demo link under every image plugin! All of the resources in this post are categorized and hopefully you will find a number of new plugin that will be practical for your own work.
NextGEN Gallery is a full integrated Image Gallery plugin for WordPress with a Flash slideshow option.
Free WordPress Image Gallery Plugins
NextGEN Gallery is the most popular WordPress gallery plugin, and one of the most popular WordPress plugins of all time, with over 7.5 million downloads.
It provides a powerful engine for uploading and managing galleries of images, with the ability to batch upload, import meta data, add/delete/rearrange/sort images, edit thumbnails, group galleries into albums, and more. It also provides two front-end display styles (slideshows and thumbnail galleries), both of which come with a wide array of options for controlling size, style, timing, transitions, controls, lightbox effects, and more.
Shadowbox is an online media viewing application that supports all of the web’s most popular media publishing formats. Shadowbox is written entirely in JavaScript and CSS and is highly customizable. Using Shadowbox, website authors can display a wide assortment of media in all major browsers without navigating users away from the linking page.
Javascript libraries supported are: None, YUI, Prototype, jQuery and MooTools. Prototype and jQuery are used from the Javascript libraries included with WordPress, YUI is loaded from Yahoo APIs and Mootools is loaded from Google APIs.
This plugin can also be used as a drop in lightbox replacement, without requiring you to edit posts already using lightbox.
By default this plugin will use Shadowbox for all image links, movie links, audio links and YouTube/Google Video links including those generated by the
Free WordPress Image Gallery Plugins
Shadowbox is licensed under the terms of the Shadowbox.js License. This license grants personal, non-commercial users the right to use Shadowbox without paying a fee. It also provides an option for users who wish to use Shadowbox for commercial purposes. You are encouraged to review the terms of the license before using Shadowbox. If you would like to use Shadowbox for commercial purposes, you can purchase a license from
Lightbox Plus permits users to view larger versions of images, simple slide shows, videos and content all in an overlay.
Lightbox Plus ColorBox implements ColorBox as a lightbox image overlay tool for WordPress. ColorBox was created by Jack Moore and is licensed under the MIT License. Lightbox Plus ColorBox for WordPress implements ColorBox as a lightbox image overlay tool for WordPress. ColorBox was created by Jack Moore and is licensed under the MIT License. Lightbox Plus ColorBox permits users to view larger versions of images without having to leave the current page. Lightbox is able to add a lightbox to WordPress gallery images, display simple slide shows, video, forms and external content in overlays. The use of the dark or light background, which dims the page over which the image has been overlaid, also serves to highlight the image or video being viewed. Lightbox Plus ColorBox captures the image title for display in the overlay.
Lightbox Plus ColorBox uses WordPress’ built in jQuery library. Lightbox Plus ColorBox also uses the PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser helper class to navigate page content for inserting the Lightbox attibutes into elements.
This plugin changes the view of galleries to the lightbox.
If you would prefer the prior Lightbox to Colorbox, you need to get the script from the setting page.
The Lightbox Gallery plugin changes the view of galleries to the lightbox.
ย ย ย Lightbox display of Gallery
ย ย ย Tooltip view of caption of images
ย ย ย Displays the associated metadata with images
ย ย ย Divides Gallery into several pages
ย ย ย Extends the default Gallery options
ย ย ย Additional settings are set in the option page
As the name shows, this is just WordPressโs version of the jQuery Lightbox Plugin written by balupton, working perfectly with WordPress 2.2 or up, and fully compatible with K2
Darkens the current page and displays an image (like Lightbox, Thickbox, etc.), but is a lot smaller
(10KB) and faster.
Shutter Reloaded is an image viewer for your website that works similarly to Lightbox, Thickbox, etc. but is under 10KB in size and does not require any external libraries. It has many features: resizing large images if the window is too small to display them with option to show the full size image, combining images in sets, redrawing the window after resizing, pre-loading of neighbour images for faster display and very good browser compatibility.
This plugin offers customization of the colour and opacity settings for the background and colour for the caption text, buttons text and the menu background.
There are options to enable it for all links pointing to an image on your site (with option to exclude some pages), or just on selected pages. It can be enabled only for image links with CSS with option to create a single set or multiple sets for each page.
The plugin can also “auto-make” image sets for each Post, so when several posts are displayed on the “Home” page, links to images on each post will be in a separate set. See the built-in help for more information.
Seamlessly integrates FancyBox into your blog: Upload, activate, and you’re done. Additional configuration optional.
You can easely customize almost anything you can think about fancybox: the border, margin width and color, zoom speed, animation type, close button position, overlay color and opacity and even more advanced option like several options to group images into galleries, and more…
By default, the plugin will use jQuery to apply FancyBox to ANY thumbnails that link directly to an image. This includes posts, the sidebar, etc, so you can activate it and it will be applied automatically.
FlippingBook WordPress Gallery plugin helps you to create Image Gallery with Page Flip effects on your blog.
Do you need to show your photos or publication to the best advantage and post them in a photo gallery speedy manner, don’t you? You need to make a bright and memorable presentation, portfolio or image gallery?
Convert your WordPress Blog into a full featured photoblog in virtually no time. Use the full range of WordPress functions and plugins: Benefit from the big community WordPress has to offer.
What is YAPB / What can you expect?
ย ย ย A non invasive WordPress-plugin that converts wp into a easy useable photoblog system
ย ย ย Easy image upload – All wordpress post-features can be used
ย ย ย On the fly thumbnail generation – Use multiple thumbnail sizes where and when you need them: Thumbnail generation gets controlled by the theme.
ย ย ย EXIF data processing and output
ย ย ย Self-learning EXIF filter – Your own cameras tags can be selected to be viewed.
ย ย ย Full i18n-Support through gnutext mo/po files
ย ย ย YAPB Plugin Infrastructure for extended functionality
ย ย ย Ping additional update-service-sites when posting a photoblog entry.
ย ย ย Nearly every WP-theme can become a photoblog in virtually no time.
ย ย ย Out of the box configurable “latest images” sidebar widget
ย ย ย You’ll get a photoblog system based on wordpress – Decide if you want to post a normal WordPress article or a photoblog entry. Be free to use all available extensions / plugins of the WordPress platform ๐
ย ย ย Be the owner of your own photos on your own webhost
The WP-SimpleViewer plugin allows you to easily create SimpleViewer galleries with WordPress. SimpleViewer is a free, customizable Flash image gallery. Images and captions can be loaded from the WordPress Media Library or from Flickr.
Add SimpleViewer Flash image galleries to your posts and pages. Easy to use and several options to make it fit your needs.
Lazyest Gallery is an integrated image gallery with automatic thumb and slide creation, comments on images, and a slide show.
Create a photo gallery from your existing photo directories.
If you are new to Lazyest Gallery, please consider Eazyest Gallery. Eazyest Gallery is the successor to Lazyest Gallery and is far better integrated with WordPress, and compatible with popular plugins.
This gallery basically needs just two settings: Your image directory and your gallery page. Lazyest Gallery automatically creates a photo gallery with folders, sub folders, thumbnail pages and slide shows.
If you want more, the gallery offers a multitude of options by featuring a smart back end management site. You can sort photos through folders and add captions, comments and descriptions with minimal effort. If you are tired of uploading photos through the WordPress server, this plug-in will make it a breeze with their FTP auto-indexing integration.
This plugin allows you to easily display Flickr photos on your site. It supports user, set, favorite, group and community photostreams. The plugin is relatively easy to setup and configure via an options panel. It also has support for an image cache located on your server.
Allows you to integrate Flickr photos into your site. It supports user, set, favorite, group and community photostreams.
This Flickr plugin for WordPress will allow you to pull in your Flickr photosets and display them as albums on your WordPress site. There is a pretty simple template provided which you can customize to 100% match the look and feel of your own site.
The plugin is customizable in a number of different ways. There are options to allow you to hook it up with a number of different Lightbox-style popup overlay display libraries. Third party commenting services such as Disqus are also supported, allowing your visitors to comment on your photos without hopping over to A simple Flickr widget is also included to let you easily include your photos into your blog’s sidebar.
On the backend, this plugin will add a new Flickr icon to your WordPress edit screen which will allow you to easily insert your Flickr photos and albums into your blog posts with just a couple clicks. You can either have your inserted photos link back to your WordPress Flickr photo album or directly to your photo page.
Quickly and easily add Flickr galleries, photos, and even custom search results into your WordPress pages and posts.
Using the “shortcodes” system in WordPress 2.5 and up, this plugin will allow you to quickly and easily incorporate your Flickr photos into your WordPress pages and posts.
Features include:
ย ย ย A quick gallery of your recent photos, photosets and most popular photos.
ย ย ย Easy database caching (just click a checkbox)
ย ย ย Displays the photos from one photoset
ย ย ย Displays all of a user’s photos with given tags
ย ย ย Displays the results of a custom search
ย ย ย Inserts a single photo into your content
ย ย ย Embeds Flickr’s flash movie player for videos
ย ย ย Authenticate to display your private photos
ย ย ย Lightbox script makes it easy to browse photos without leaving the page
ย ย ย Plugin API to let sites configure the tabs in their gallery
ย ย ย View photosets in the gallery mode without leaving the page
ย ย ย Lightboxes are now generated for every gallery mode
ย ย ย WordPress MU Support
ย ย ย Pagination in galleries
ย ย ย All images smaller than “medium” will load in the lightbox effect (if enabled) when the user clicks on them.
ย ย ย Add a “Collections” tab to the default gallery
ย ย ย Select which tabs the gallery displays
ย ย ย Set the lightbox to display larger than “medium” photos if the user’s browser window is large enough.
ย ย ย Easier “Web” based authentication to the Flickr API.
ย ย ย New: Show the photo’s description inside the lightbox alongside the larger photos.
This plugin adds cropping, resizing, and rotating functionality to WordPress’ image upload and management dialogs. Scissors also allows automatic resizing of images when they are uploaded and supports automatic and manual watermarking of images. Additionally, images that are resized in the post editor are automatically resampled to the requested size using bilinear filtering when a post is saved, which improves the perceived image quality while reducing the amount of data transferred at the same time.
Please note that WordPress versions 2.9 and newer are not supported!
When the first version of Scissors was published in October 2008 it was available only in English and German. Since then translations into new languages have been contributed by the following kind individuals. Thank you for your time and initiative!
Scissors enhances WordPressโ handling of images by introducing cropping, resizing, rotating, and watermarking functionality.
For WordPress 2.9 โ 3.0 please download here :
Grand Flagallery – powerfull media gallery content plugin. Easy interface for handling photos, image galleries, audio and video galleries.
With this gallery plugin you can easy upload images, create music and video playlists, create photo gallery, group pictures in photo slideshow and add descriptions for each image, mp3 or video – Grand Flagallery is the smart choice when showing the best of your product or describing in brief any event. Grand Flagallery can easily beautify your site with photo gallery, mp3 player, video player, banner rotator, nivo slider or nice slideshow widgets. SEO optimized, compatibility with Google Reader, FeedBerner, etc.
Used to create a customizable rotating image gallery anywhere within your WordPress site.
Featured Content Gallery creates an automated, fully customizable rotating image gallery anywhere within your WordPress site. Choose your images and display categories, pages or posts with custom overlay text and a thumbnail carousel. Custom options include gallery size, color, style and more.
Creates a dynamic gallery of images for latest or featured content selected from one category, a mix of categories, or pages.
This plugin creates a dynamic gallery of images for latest and/or featured content using either the JonDesign SmoothGallery script for mootools, or a custom jQuery script. The plugin dynamically creates the gallery from your latest and/or featured content by either automatically pulling in the first Image Attachment from relevant Posts/Pages, or by specifying image URLs in a DCG Metabox in the Write screen for the relevant Posts/Pages. Additionally, default images can be displayed in the event that Posts/Pages don’t have an Image Attachment or manually specified image. A Dashboard Settings page gives access to a comprehensive range of options for populating the gallery and configuring its look and behaviour. The DCG can be added to your theme as a Widget, or by using a template tag.
For best results, make sure that your theme supports Post Thumbnails, introduced in WP 2.9.
Compatible with network-enabled (multisite) WordPress 3.0+, though available plugin options are slightly reduced.
By default, WordPress automatically converts text smileys to graphic images. In this post I showed how to Use smilies/smileys in wordpress posts
Use smilies/smileys in wordpress posts
Use smilies/smileys in wordpress posts
Smileys, also known as “emoticons,” are glyphs used to convey emotions in your writing. They are a great way to brighten up posts.
By default, WordPress automatically converts text smileys to graphic images. When you type ๐ in your post you see when you preview or publish your post.
If you turn off graphic smileys, whatever you type in plain text will remain, and be displayed, as plain text.
Go to your Admin Panel
Select Settings -> Writing
In the Formatting section, uncheck the box for “Convert emoticons likeย ๐ andย ๐ to graphics on display“
Turning off emoticons means that when you type ๐ in a post you will see ๐ when you preview or publish your post. So it doesn’t stop you from using emoticons as plain text.
What Text Do I Type to Make Smileys?
Smiley images and the text used to produce them*:
full text
full text
* In some instances, multiple text options are available to display the same smiley.
Note: The smiley or emoticon image graphics are found in the /wp-includes/images/smilies directory.
In article, I explained you the 5 best tips about how to keep your wordpress blog or website impressive and 5 tips to increase wordPress traffic and look. It is very important to increase wordPress traffic by doing some tricks. There are many ways for increase wordPress traffic. But here in this article, I found some very unique increase wordPress traffic tips which are very useful for every web master.
I also did many tricks for my client to increase wordPress traffic. So think deeply about, how to increase wordPress traffic.
increase wordPress traffic
WordPress is becoming most popular CMS these days. It is very easy to use and great search engine support. Following are simple steps which I used to increase wordPress traffic.
Last year wordpress left behind all the cms. Many people are thinking about how to keep the there wordpress site impressive.
In this article I am going tell you the 5 best tips about how to keep your wordpress blog or website impressive.
1. Create a widget controlled footer that keeps visitors busy on site
increase wordPress traffic
Widget controlled footer is not new thing in wordpress website but still having footer with multiple information is good.
You should keep the following footer widget in website.
1. Recent posts
2. Popular Post
3. Recent Comments
For recent comments you can use following code in footer without plugin
$my_query = new WP_Query('showposts=15');
while ($my_query->have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post();$do_not_duplicate = $post->ID;
For popular post We can use the wp-popular-post plugin. Using that plugin use can use following code in your website
You can increase wordPress traffic and website will look cool with best custom made images.
You can use following code for showing the images on homepage.
First you need to open the functions.php file from your wordpress theme folder and copy paste following code in that file.
In your index.php file you need to copy paste the following code for showing the image.
<?php get_first_image($post->ID);ย ?>
3. Add social media links to the bottom of post
Visitors always want to bookmark the website or your posts.
So keeping that very simple adding the social media links to your posts is very nice.
Finding the good social media icons as per your website is very easy with google.
There are some nice wordpress plugins available for adding the social media icons but recommend not to use any wordpress plugin.
Or you can use following code.
4. Install the Tweetmeme style Twitter button to your posts
Twitter is very popular these days. Twitter is micro blogging website.
So many people want to share there articles with twitter and Many visitors want to share article with there friends and follower by tweeting the article.
I recommend to use the tweetmeme wordpress plugin for putting the Twitter button to your posts.
You can download the tweetmeme wordpress plugin from following URL
5. Always show the Author information with photo
Many visitors want to know about author. Keeping Author’s information on wordpress website is really good idea.
That will become your website more interesting the user friendly to visitors.
Some people like the specific writing style of author and They want know more information about Author.
In wordpress keeping the users photo and information I will suggest to use the user-photo wordpress plugin.
After adding following plugin you can use following code in your wordpress posts.
You can add the easily add reply comment link in wordpress comments template. WordPress api will give you very easy and better options to get reply comment link in wordpress.
how to get reply comment link in wordpress
how to get reply comment link in wordpress
Open your comments.php file from your wordpress theme folder and use following code.
// for Text
comment_reply_link( array ( 'reply_text' => '<img src="..." alt="Reply Comments">' ) );
// for Image</code>
comment_reply_link( array ( 'reply_text' => '<img src="..." alt="Reply Comments">' ) );
For More detail you can use the following article…