We will learn html basics with notepad. html is a basic web design language here i going to show you how to make simple web page using notepad only. In windows.
learn html basics with notepad

first step
open notepad
goto start >> all programs >> accessories >> notepad
now your notepad is open
in web pages having so many types of code so we have to mention bout which code is write
for, this thing will be eiser to write comment on every new code
comment start with // , when web page is run on browser it’s can’t consider that comment
// html language start with this tag in html language every tag tag have to open
& close so here i am given close tag also
<html> // here is open tag
</html> // here is close
now html have internal two parts one is “head” tag & second one is “body” tag in head tag
have to declare web page title also in upcoming article i will show how we can use body tag
for links
body tag is main part of our html web pages here we can write what i have to show in browser
so first head tag
<html> <head> <title>first webpage</title> // here is title which can seen in title of browser </head> </html>
now start our body tag
<html> <head> <title>first webpage</title> // here is title which can seen in title of browser </head> <body> this is my first web page in html language !! </body> </html>
now save this notepad file goto file >> save
name it first “webpage.html” & open it in your favourite web browser