how to increase website traffic for free? This is common question which asked by every client. Here are some unique tricks for increase your website traffic.
Here’re some tips to help you in increasing the traffic of your website. Just follow them and get amazing result.
how to increase website traffic for free
how to increase website traffic for free
1. Social bookmark every pages!
Bookmark each page of your site and each blog entry you post. While this might seem tedious, it’s worth it. You’ll see a strong increase in traffic if you social bookmark each page on your site and each of your blog entries.
2. Speaking of your email signature line
Believe it or not, people do follow your email signature links. You’ll be amazed how many folks read email signature lines.
3. Start a blog
Start a blog and then once you do, start commenting on other people’s blogs, linking to them from your site or adding them to your blogroll.
4. Make sure your blog has an RSS feed
Make sure your blog has an RSS feed so if you capture a reader you don’t lose them if they forget to bookmark your site or blog.
5. Join in forums
Join in forums that has contents relevant to your website category and keep creating new threads and replying to other threads. Don’t ever forget to add your site’s link in your signature. Also try to make it attractive by using larger fonts and colors. You will be amazed of the traffic.
6. Offer a freebie
Offer something for free that worth some $$$. That can be a free tutorial, an icon set, wordpress themes etc.
7. Offer a help
you can be an answer person at Yahoo Answers – you don’t have to spend hours on there, but maybe a few minutes a week. Make sure and include a link back to your site following your answers.
8. Set up a social networking site using Facebook, Twitter
It’s free and easy to do, just don’t forget the all-important link back to your site!
9. List yourself in the best directories
You’ll have to pay for this but since most people don’t do this (since everyone’s looking for a freebie) you could really enhance your traffic by getting a listing: dir dot yahoo dot com, business dot org, botw dot org.
10. Inbound links
Don’t waste your time on smaller low-traffic sites. Instead spend your time going after high traffic, high quality sites. Good sites should have a page ranking of 4-6 depending on the market. You can find out what a site’s page ranking is by downloading the Google toolbar which comes with a PR feature built in.
I hope these all points will be useful for you to increase the traffic of your website.
Photoshop comes up with lots of the options and scope for experiment is much more than you can imagine. We wish to encourage you to use different options and tools to get better output. The lessons and techniques described need to be followed as a guideline to achieve the effect.
how to create gel text effect in photoshop
let’s get started.
Step 1: Create new file with white background.
how to create gel text effect in photoshop
Step 2: Click Channel Tab and create New Channel. The file will become black.
how to create gel text effect in photoshop
Step 3: Select the Text Tool and type the text. Deselect it with CRTL+D. We have selected a script font to make is more real.
Step 4: Select paintbrush with hard edge and create some drops to add more spice or keep as it is.
Step 5: Now go to Filter > Sketch > Plaster
Step 6: Apply the settings given below:
Image Balance: 25
Smoothness: 2
Light Direction: Right
Now our image is looking like this:
Step 7: Select RGB Channel.
Click Layer Tab and Select the Background layer.
Step 8: Got to Select > Load Selection > Alpha1
Step 9: Select any desired color for foreground & Press Alt + Del once to fill foreground color into selection.
You can press Alt + Del once more to concentrate the fill to get proper gel effect.
If you want the nice slide animation effect with javascript. you can use following javascript. Here I am not using any third party javascript library for creating the slide effect. Slide effect with popup you can achieve with only javascript.
popup slide effect with only javascript
For In page popup slide effect you can use following JavaScript code.
and use the following javscript code in your document.
[viral-lock message=”Solution code is Hidden! It’s Visible for Users who Liked/Shared This article on Facebook or Twitter or Google+. Like or Tweet this article to reveal the content.”]
function movead(){
timerID = setInterval("mocontainer()", 50);
function mocontainer(){
var popup_element = document.getElementById('popup-container');
function animate_moveit(obj, x, y){ = parseInt( + x +"px" = parseInt( y + "px"
For changing the slide direction change the values in following line and put in to the mocontainer function
animate_moveit(popup-element,-5,0); – this is for right to left
animate_moveit(popup-element,0,-5); – bottom to top
Inpage Popup are most used JS for website developers. Here in this article I given full detailed code for popup using javascript. Many times we need to minimize and restore functionality for our in page pop-up. In This article I will show how to achieve the minimize and maximize and restore functionality with javascript.
minimize, restore, maximize and hide functionality with javascript
minimize, restore, maximize and hide functionality with javascript
I you want the minimize functionality for your in page pop-up use following code for minimize and restore button. Following code you can use for showing the minimize button on pop-up.
Note: Here for this example My in page popup div id name is “popup-container”. For using following example you should keep the main popup continer id name is “popup-container”.
Use following javascript function in your document.
[viral-lock message=”Solution code is Hidden! It’s Visible for Users who Liked/Shared This article on Facebook or Twitter or Google+. Like or Tweet this article to reveal the content.”]
Above function will swap the minimize and restore button through javascript.
Using following function you can achieve the maximize and maximize restore functionality using the simple javascript. following code you need to use in your html for maximize button.
The technique we used was quite a hack as this is something that ActiveRecord wasn’t designed to do but now in Rails 3.0 we have a new feature called ActiveModel which makes doing something like this a lot easier.
Active Model in Rails
Before we get into the details of ActiveModel we’ll first describe the part of the application that we’re going to modify to use it.
Active Model in Rails 3.0
The screenshot above shows a contact form that has been created using Rails’ scaffolding. The application has a model called Message that is currently backed by ActiveRecord which means that we’re managing messages through the database. We’re going to change the way this form works so that it just sends emails and doesn’t store messages in a database table.
When you’re thinking of doing something like this it’s always a good idea to first consider your requirements and make sure that you really don’t want to store the data from the form in a database as there are often good side-effects to doing this. A database can act as a backup and also makes it easier to move the message-sending into a queue in a background process. For the purposes of this example, however, we don’t want any of that functionality so we’re free to go ahead and make our model tableless.
The code for the Message class looks like this:
File name: /app/models/message.rb
class Message < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_presence_of :name
validates_format_of :email, :with => /^[-a-z0-9_+\.]+\@([-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z0-9]{2,4}$/i
validates_length_of :content, :maximum => 500
Message inherits from ActiveRecord::Base as you would expect a model class to, but as we don’t want this model to have a database back-end we’re going to remove that inheritance. As soon as we do this, though, our form will no longer work as the validators are provided by ActiveRecord. Fortunately, we can restore this functionality by using ActiveModel.
If we take a look at the Rails 3 source code we’ll see the that there are activerecord and activemodel directories. The core Rails team has taken everything from ActiveRecord that wasn’t specific to the database backend and moved it out into ActiveModel. ActiveRecord still relies heavily on ActiveModel for the functionality that isn’t specific to the database and as ActiveModel is full-featured and thoroughly tested it’s great for use outside ActiveRecord.
It we take a look in the directory that contains the code for ActiveModel we can see the functionality that it provides.
We can see from the list above that ActiveModel includes code to handle callbacks, dirty tracking, serialization and validation, among other things. The last of these is exactly what we’re looking for.
The code for validations has the following comment near the top and we can see from it that it’s fairly easy to add validations to a model. All we need to do is include the Validations module and provide getter methods for the attributes that we’re calling validators on.
Now that we know this we can apply it to our Message model.
File name: /app/models/message.rb
class Message
include ActiveModel::Validations
attr_accessor :name, :email, :content
validates_presence_of :name
validates_format_of :email, :with => /^[-a-z0-9_+\.]+\@([-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z0-9]{2,4}$/i
validates_length_of :content, :maximum => 500
Message inherits from ActiveRecord::Base as you would expect a model class to, but as we don’t want this model to have a database back-end we’re going to remove that inheritance. As soon as we do this, though, our form will no longer work as the validators are provided by ActiveRecord. Fortunately, we can restore this functionality by using ActiveModel.
If we take a look at the Rails 3 source code we’ll see the that there are activerecord and activemodel directories. The core Rails team has taken everything from ActiveRecord that wasn’t specific to the database backend and moved it out into ActiveModel. ActiveRecord still relies heavily on ActiveModel for the functionality that isn’t specific to the database and as ActiveModel is full-featured and thoroughly tested it’s great for use outside ActiveRecord.
It we take a look in the directory that contains the code for ActiveModel we can see the functionality that it provides.
We can see from the list above that ActiveModel includes code to handle callbacks, dirty tracking, serialization and validation, among other things. The last of these is exactly what we’re looking for.
The code for validations has the following comment near the top and we can see from it that it’s fairly easy to add validations to a model. All we need to do is include the Validations module and provide getter methods for the attributes that we’re calling validators on.
Now that we know this we can apply it to our Message model.
File name: /app/models/message.rb
class Message
include ActiveModel::Validations
attr_accessor :name, :email, :content
validates_presence_of :name
validates_format_of :email, :with => /^[-a-z0-9_+\.]+\@([-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z0-9]{2,4}$/i
validates_length_of :content, :maximum => 500
This isn’t enough to get our model to behave as the controller expects it to, though. There are two problems in the create method. Firstly the call to won’t work as our Message model no longer has an initializer that takes a hash of attributes as an argument. Secondly, save won’t work as we don’t have a database backend to save the new message to.
class MessagesController < ApplicationController
def new
@message =
def create
@message =[:message])
# TODO send message here
flash[:notice] = "Message sent! Thank you for contacting us."
redirect_to root_url
render :action => 'new'
We’ll fix the second of these problems first. While we can’t save a message we can check that it is valid, so we’ll replace with @message.valid?.
File name :/app/controllers/messages_controllers.rb
def create
@message =[:message])
if @message.valid?
# TODO send message here
flash[:notice] = "Message sent! Thank you for contacting us."
redirect_to root_url
render :action => 'new'
We can solve the first problem by writing an initialize method in the Message model that takes a hash as a parameter. This method will loop through each item in the hash and assign the value to the appropriate attribute for the message using the send method.
File name: /app/models/message.rb
class Message
include ActiveModel::Validations
attr_accessor :name, :email, :content
validates_presence_of :name
validates_format_of :email, :with => /^[-a-z0-9_+\.]+\@([-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z0-9]{2,4}$/i
validates_length_of :content, :maximum => 500
def initialize(attributes = {})
attributes.each do |name, value|
send("#{name}=", value)
If we reload the form now we’ll see that we’re not quite there yet, however.
This time the error is caused by a missing to_key method in the Message model. The error is thrown by the form_for method so it seems that Rails itself is expecting our model to have functionality that it doesn’t yet support. Let’s add that functionality now.
Rather than guessing everything that Rails expects the model to have there’s a nice lint test included with ActiveModel that allows us to check whether our custom model behaves as Rails expects it to. If we include the ActiveModel::Lint::Tests module in a tests for the model it will check that the model has all of the required functionality.
The source code for the Lint::Tests module shows the methods that the model needs to respond to in order for it to work as it should, including to_key. We can make our model work by including a couple of ActiveRecord modules. The first of these is Conversion, which provides that to_key method and several others. The other module is the Naming module, but in this case we extend it in our class rather than including it as it includes some class methods.
As well as including the Conversion module we need to define a persisted? method in our model, which needs to return false as our model isn’t persisted to a database. With these changes in place our Message model now looks like this:
File name: /app/models/message.rb
class Message
include ActiveModel::Validations
include ActiveModel::Conversion
extend ActiveModel::Naming
attr_accessor :name, :email, :content
validates_presence_of :name
validates_format_of :email, :with => /^[-a-z0-9_+\.]+\@([-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z0-9]{2,4}$/i
validates_length_of :content, :maximum => 500
def initialize(attributes = {})
attributes.each do |name, value|
send("#{name}=", value)
def persisted?
If we reload the form now it will work again which means that the Message model now satisfies all of the requirements that Rails 3 relies on for a model. If we try to submit the form we’ll see that the validators are working, too.
We’ve only covered a little of what ActiveModel provides in this episode but this should have been enough to whet your appetite and give you a reason to look more deeply into its source code to see what it can do. The code is well documented and structured so if you see something you might find useful then there should be enough information in the comments for that file to get you started using it.
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a spotted border effect using the Pixelate filter. Tutorial for, how to make a dotted border in photoshop.
how to make a dotted border in photoshop
Step 1: Open Photoshop & open your image in Photoshop which you want to create spotted border. Double click on the Background Layer & press OK to work on it.
how to make a dotted border in photoshop
Step 2: Select the Rectangular Marquee Tool and make a selection around the image like below. The closer you place the Rectangular Marquee to the centre of the image the greater the spotted border effect, and the further away to place the Marquee the smaller the border.
Step 3: Choose Select > Modify > Feather (Alt+Ctrl+D) and give a feather radius of 5 pixels. You can increase the radius if you wish to create a more rounded border.
Step 4: Hit the Q key on the keyboard to enter the quick mask, and you see a red border around your image like below.
Step 5: Select Filter > Pixelate > Colour Halftone and set the max radius to 10 pixels. If you wish to have larger spots on your border then increase the size of the radius.
Step 6: Exit the quick mask mode with the Q key then choose Select > Inverse (Shift+Ctrl+I) and hit the delete the key, don’t do deselect the selection.You should get a spotted border like below.
Step 7: Now fill the selection with any color you like & deselect the selection(Ctrl+D), I filled it with white color:
In this tutorial we will explain you, how to change opacity of image on hover css, We used only CSS to change the opacity of image. When mouseover event triggered, we can change opacity of image using only CSS code.
how to change opacity of image on hover css
It can use for menu items and much more.
first create a folder to contain this whole project, save the three images above in the folder.
Now open your favorite html editor, (notepad, dreamweaver etc).
First we will add the css styles at the top.
That was the styles tag, you can do it in the html file, or export it to an external .css file (then remember to delete thetags).
Now we just need to place our elements with html code, and assign some classes to them to make this effect work.
As you might see its quite simple, first I make a div box just as a wrapper to hold the images.
then every image is shown in as a href link with an class calling for the style “opacityit” rollover effect.
If you have trouble making it work you can download a project here, remember if it still doesnt work, check if you use a browser that supports the opacity filter effect.
Notice: Undefined index: width in /var/www/html/ on line 1612
Notice: Undefined index: height in /var/www/html/ on line 1613
Here we given photoshop tutorial for add angled lines effect to photo using photoshop. we given step by step screenshots with there short cuts keys and explanation
how to add angled lines effect to photo using photoshop
Step1: Open your image in Photoshop. Double click on Background & press OK to work on it.
how to add angled lines effect to photo using photoshop
Step 2: Create New Document with 3 pixel width, 3 pixel height and transparent background.
Step 3: Select your foreground color dark yellow(#ff9900) and draw 3 square using Pencil Tool.
Step 4: Select All using Ctrl + A & Create a pattern by Edit > Define Pattern. Name the pattern.
Step 5: Close the Pattern file and go back to image file. Create New Layer. Keep it selected.
Step 6: Go to Edit > Fill
(Choose “Pattern” from “Use” drop down menu and again in “Custom Pattern” you will find newly created pattern)
Step 7: Select newly created pattern and fill the layer. Change the layer mode to “Multiply”
In this tutorial I’ll show you how to create a haunted castle movie poster in Photoshop using an array of good techniques. Learn adjustment layers, channel selections and text effects to create a cool poster.
how to create haunted castle movie poster using photoshop
Lets get started!
Step 1: Prepare the Document.
In Photoshop open a new document at 1000 x 1300 with resolution set to 300 dpi and using RGB color.
Place the image of the castle into the document and resize it. Place the image with the castle prominently in the centre and toward the bottom of the document like this:
how to create haunted castle movie poster using photoshop
Step 2: Cut Out the Sky
With the castle layer selected go to channels and find the channel with the most contrast which is the blue channel here. Duplicate this channel by dragging it to the new channel button just like you would a layer.
Go to Image > Adjustment > Levels. Bring the right slider along to 205 and the left slider to 210.This brings out the contrast of the castle against the sky so we can cut it out.
Grab a hard black brush and cover over the castle trees and moat with black. Then do the same with a white brush on the sky. If you need to make a selection around any left out bits do so and fill with the correct color.
Next Ctrl + click the blue copy channel to make a selection go back to you layers palette and hit Ctrl + shift + I to inverse then Ctrl + J to bring the castle and trees into a New Layer by Copy & Paste and rename the new layer castle.
Select the image of clouds by google images and place it in the image and resize it . Put this layer under the castle layer.
Step 4: Balancing the Poster
Add a color balance adjustment layer.
Set the midtone to + 70 giving the image a red tint.
Add a levels adjustment layer and change the midtone input to 0.80 .
Add a hue saturation adjustment layer and reduce the saturation to 21.
Step 5: The Eyes
download the face image by google images & place it in the document and cut the eyes out using the marquee tool. Select just the area around the eyes including the eyebrows and bridge of the nose but exclude the ears. Then hit ctrl shift and I to inverse the selection and delete.
Step 6: Making the Eyes Dramatic
We’ll now work on the eyes and make them more dramatic and other worldly so they fit in with the theme of the movie. Hold Ctrl and + Key to zoom in the image of the eyes so you can work on the pupil’s and eyeballs.
We’ll start by reducing the color, go to Image > Adjustments > Hue-Saturation and reduce the saturation to around -32.
Step 7: Eyes
If you need to and grab the Dodge Tool set to midtones and exposure set to 75 % then brighten around the pupil and the white of the eye. Bring out the color of the eyes and keep going until the eyes look more dramatic.
Step 7: Adding Colour to the Eyes
Then add a New Layer fill with a red color #da2411 and set to color burn with the Eraser Tool on soft round brush erase away the red on the castle and sky leaving the color only on the eyes like so.
Next grab the Burn Tool set to midtones with a 10 – 15 % exposure and darken a little around the eyes.
Step 8: Reducing Shine of Castle & Trees
Use the Burn Tool set to midtones and 70 – 80 % exposure to reduce the glare on the castle walls and spires. Cover all the areas where the sun is hitting the castle. Do the same for any shiny areas on trees.
Now my Image is looking like this:
Step 9: The Skull
Get the image of the skull from google images and resize it so it covers the bush this takes away a random looking element and adds drama.Set this layers blend mode to Lighter Color and the layer’s opacity to 55 %. Label the layer skull.
Step 10: The Starring Man
Get the image of a horror face from google images place it in the document now resize and place it on the left. Change the blend mode to Linear Light. Now reduce the opacity down to 75 % and you should have this.
Step 11: The Title Text
Choose the type tool and the font Decrepit (BRK) at size 20 type ‘THE HAUNTED CASTLE’. If you don’t have this font already download it from here. Place the text over the line where the eyes layer meets the cloud layer. Then to give the text some depth copy the text layer (ctrl + J ) and rasterise it reduce the opacity to 36 % and nudge it down and to the right 2 pixel .Place the copied layer below the original.
Step 14: The Credits Text
Create a box with the marquee tool to boom of the poster and fill this with a dark red I used #6f0303.Put this layers blend mode on Darken.
Add lettering with the Type Tool to make the image seem more like a film poster. Type the names in a larger font and the titles such as director in a smaller font. Then compress the whole group of text by highlighting it and reducing the horizontal scale in the character palette to around 44. I also added a small symbol in white. This all gives the text a movie poster feel.
how to create haunted castle movie poster using photoshop
You should end up with something similar to this:
Step 15: Adding More Text
Add ‘MASTERPIECE’ in Trajan pro with double quotation marks. Then use the shape tool to create 5 small 5 sided stars (create stars from Basic Shapes by using Shape Tool) in dark red with the name of a magazine you like. Then add academy award winner 2010 and place in the lower right hand side.
Step 16: Fill with Light
To lighten up the image add a new layer at the top and fill it with white, change the layer’s blend mode to Overlay. Reduce the opacity to 50% (Shortcut key is 5).
Step 16: Adding Some Red
Then add a gradient adjustment layer with the colors stops set from #a3060b to #f60c0c, linear and 90 degrees. Set the blending mode to Luminosity and reduce the opacity to 10%.
And you done it!
Here’s my final result:
how to create haunted castle movie poster using photoshop