At present, website has become an imperative medium for online visibility and branding. Many webmaster are very sensible about the design and development of their websites. The great design brings more audience. And hence, improvises their conversion rate. Today’s every professional as well as the beginner developers are wondering about how to develop the best website that not only have the great design, but also the internet-friendly. And, the answer is PSD to HTML conversion. Indeed, PSD to HTMLenables users to deploy the website with real designed format.
PSD to HTML: An Effective Way for Developing Top-notch Website
PSD to HTML: An Effective Way for Developing Top-notch Website
Photoshop, as we all know, has come with enormous features that ensure designer to go beyond the creativity. And, this advantage adds weight to the website too. With this, there are other benefits of PSD to HTML conversion that result to the effective and seamless websites. Let’s know how much effective it to convert PSD to HTML is. Benefits of PSD to HTML Conversion:
PSD to HTML conversion supports impressive website design
Photoshop is packed with trendiest widgets that not only ensure speedy delivery of design, but also the creative one. This enables designer to go beyond level for developing an astonishing design within short time.
Minimizing the loading times and improvising the User Experience
Most of the webmasters deploy their website with heavy impressive images that slow down the loading time of the website on browser and this distracts potential audience to choose another site. PSD to HTML lightens website and enhances the User Experience throughout the site.
PSD to HTML CSS enables strong website layout
Every webmaster wants website that should be completely error-free and has the clean architecture. PSD to HTML CSS helps in developing the website with clean or easy to understand architecture. That not only makes laying out the webpage with strong base, but also supports error free page.
Delivering the Content–friendly Sites
PSD to HTML CSS assists in deploying the website with clean architecture. This will support also content-friendly site. It means website owner can easily upload the content and organize it timely. That will also ensure the search engine crawlers to spot the content and make it visible to the audience.
Implementing Websites with Cross-Browser Compatibility
Today, there are numerous of browsers available in the market like Internet Explorer, Opera, Chrome, Firefox, etc. It will be nightmare for webmasters, if their websites do not work on any of the major browsers. PSD to HTML conversion ensures the website compatible with every major platform.
Improvising the brand value with SEO–friendly coding
PSD to HTML service assists in deploying the SEO-friendly websites, which will enhance the brand value too among the online audience. If the site is SEO-friendly,then it will be easy for implementing the effective keyword in the websites through Meta tags. Hence, the visibility of the site will surely boom.
Deploying Responsive Website with superb contour
Today, there is the trend for smartphone. Therefore, audience prefers mostly to use their phone for accessing internet. To grab more audience, it will be good if the site works same on the smartphone as on the desktop. For this, it should possess responsive layout, which can only be possible with the help of PSD to HTML CSS.
Featuring W3C Coding Standard
To make the website finish with perfect standard, PSD to HTML conversion ensures W3C coding standard. That supports every trendiest platform to be compatible with the websites.
Conclusion PSD to HTML service will be the great option for webmaster to have the seamless as well as the features-rich websites. The clean architecture gives users a lot of options to make the site customizable according to the future need. Hope, you get understood that how good it will be for webmasters to adopt PSD to HTML conversion for having the great site. If you find any problem in this blog, then please share through the comment section given below.
Ruby on Rails is really OOPs based framework. I personally love this framework. I worked on this for many years. Many Ruby lovers are looking to integrate the wordpress with Ruby on Rails. I strongly suggest to integrate wordpress with ROR using XMLRPC APIs. Using following code you can easily add the wordpress into Ruby on Rails Project. Use my following steps:
wordpress XMLRPC api integration with ruby and rails
Note: There are so many XMLRPC APIs provided by wordpress. I given the some simple example here.
First setup wordpress. Login to wordpress admin and enable the XMLRPC.
Go to Settings->writing and enable the XMLRPC checkbox.
wordpress XMLRPC api integration with ruby and rails
Now you can fetch the wordpress posts, pages, tags etc.. using XMLRPC.
Following script is written in Ruby.
[viral-lock message=”Solution code is Hidden! It’s Visible for Users who Liked/Shared This article on Facebook or Twitter or Google+. Like or Tweet this article to reveal the content.”]
require 'xmlrpc/client'
# build a post
#Use this for reference - ,
post = {
'post_title' => 'Post Title',
'post_excerpt' => 'Post excerpt',
'post_content' => 'this is Post content'
# initialize the connection - Change
connection = XMLRPC::Client.new2('') #Replace your wordpress URL
# make the call to publish a new post
#result ='metaWeblog.getRecentPosts', 1,'admin','123456') // Get Recent 10 Post
#result ='wp.getPost', 1,'admin','123456',19) // Get Single Post
#result ='wp.getPage', 1,'admin','123456',1) // Get Single Page
#result ='wp.getPages', 1,'admin','123456',10) // Get Pages
#result ='wp.getPosts', 1,'admin','123456') // Get 10 Posts from wordpress
result ='wp.getPosts', 1,'admin','123456',1000) // Get 10000 Posts from wordpress
#result ='wp.newPost', 1,'admin','123456',post) //For New Creating the Post
puts result // Printresult
puts result.length // Printresult
When you put some URL and email address you need to manually add the link URL to that text. This action always takes the some time of wordpress blogger. WordPress has facility to add the links to your URL and email address automatically.
convert plain text URI to HTML links in wordpress
This facility is available in wordpress since wordpress 2.7 version but many wordpress theme and plugin developers never used this functionality.
WordPress provides the make_clickable() function for convert plain text URI to HTML links. This function able to convert URI, www, ftp, and email addresses. Finishes by fixing links within links. You just need to pass the string parameter to this method.
More detail information you can find in following file.
You can use this method in your functions.php file also. Use the following code.
add_filter('the_content', 'make_clickable');
By using this code you are able to covert the URI, www, ftp, and email addresses in to link.
If you are having any issues or question about make_clickable method then please write to me.
Many new web developers or web application developers may be did not hear about reset CSS. Many web developers use the global selectors and global CSS styling. That is very basic reason behind that. They want to display their CSS style across the various browsers.
What is reset css and How to use the reset CSS
The goal of a reset stylesheet is to reduce browser inconsistencies in things like default line heights, margins and font sizes of headings, and so on. With reset CSS you are overriding the setting of various browser setting and elements. There are inconsistencies with every browser. For reducing the issues and setting of browser you need to reset the browser properties.
What is reset css and How to use the reset CSS
With reset CSS you can set the border, font color, color, margin, padding, img, h1, a, etc properties. The problem is that every browser’s stylesheet has subtle but fundamental differences. By using a CSS reset. There are many big sites and tool available for using the reset the CSS.
In reset CSS you need to use the most common HTML tags and their properties for reset there CSS properties.
you can also create you reset CSS as per your website need. There are many useful and good reset available. I like the YUI reset CSS most because that is really useful.
For using the YUI reset CSS you need to just add the following line in your website.
Reset CSS is really useful for every website. do use the reset CSS in you stylesheet. There is another good reset CSS called blueprint which you download from following URL.
Some people are saying dont use the reset css because that will increase the your css size but I must admin this thing.
you should use the reset css that will save your big time.
Confused how to configure load balancer on Amazon. Here we given you detail instructions about How to configure haproxy load balancing on amazon EC2
Many people take amazon EC2 cloud hosting. Amazon does gives the load balancer for application load balancing. But Amazon load balancer is not that much good. Amazon load balancer is not working on hardware or software base. That balancer just sending request to server one by one. Many people confused how to configure load balancer on Amazon EC2.
Here I am going to give you detail instructions about setting up the HaProxy load balancer on Amazon EC2.
How to configure haproxy load balancing on amazon ec2
What is Haproxy?
AProxy is a free, very fast and reliable solution offering high availability, load balancing, and proxying for TCP and HTTP-based applications. It is particularly suited for web sites crawling under very high loads while needing persistence or Layer7 processing. Supporting tens of thousands of connections is clearly realistic with todays hardware. Its mode of operation makes its integration into existing architectures very easy and riskless.
How to configure haproxy load balancing on amazon ec2
For Haproxy load balancing I recommend to create the micro instance first. Then login to micro instance and install haproxy on that machine. I taken the Centos 5.0 virgin os. Use following command for install the haproxy.
#yum install haproxy
Then Open the haproxy config file.
# vi /etc/haproxy.cfg
For detail configuration you should read the Haproxy config documentation.
Haproxy’s default load balancing style is roundrobin. Which is trusted and good. With this load balancing I am serving around two million pages daily. Means I am handling 6 to 7 million requests per day. I am not having any issues.
I used the three backend server for delivery of my application and one server for serving the static data which is having images and js and css and application files.
Here is my configuration file
maxconn 4096 # Total Max Connections. This is dependent on ulimit
nbproc 4 # Number of processing cores. Dual Dual-core Opteron is 4 cores for example.
# common defaults that all the 'listen' and 'backend' sections will
# use if not designated in their block
mode http
log global
option dontlognull
option httpclose
option httplog
option forwardfor
option redispatch
timeout connect 10000 # default 10 second time out if a backend is not found
timeout client 300000
timeout server 300000
maxconn 60000
retries 3
# main frontend which proxys to the backends
#frontend main *:80
frontend http-in
bind :80
acl url_static path_beg -i /static /images /javascript /stylesheets
acl url_static path_end -i .jpg .gif .png .css .js
acl url_stats path_beg /haproxy-stats
use_backend be_stats if url_stats
use_backend static if url_static
default_backend app
#back-end statistics section
backend be_stats
stats uri /haproxy-stats
# stats show-node
# static backend for serving up images, stylesheets and such
backend static
balance roundrobin
server static check
#server static check
# round robin balancing between the various backends
backend app
balance roundrobin
server app1 check
server app2 check
server app3 check
You can use the above code in haproxy.cfg file. You just need to change the IP address which are listed under backend static and backend app section. You just put your static server(amazon EC2 instance’s internal IP address).
You should use internal IP address of server because that will reduce the bandwidth uses of Amazon EC2 server. Do not use the public IP address for load balance because that will cost you.
Put application database and application files on all the server. Point your domain to your load balancer machine’s Public IP address.
Let say your application is running on following domain.
www.YOURDOMAIN.COM – point to Load balancer macine.
Open your all application and static server’s apache configuration file. put following entry in that file.
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www/html
# Other directives here
after this just restart the apache server of all servers.
If you are having any issues or questions about setting up the haproxy on amazon EC2 server Please write to me.
From wordpress 3.0 version release wordpress gives the facility to add a custom post type functionality. With custom post type wordpress is became more powerful and expendable and more advanced We given info about, How to use custom post type in wordpress.
How to use custom post type in wordpress
WordPress recognized the need to people and industry and they introduced the custom post type. In this tutorial I will tell you how to use the custom post type very effectively.
Adding Custom post type is very easy. Using theme or plugin file you can add the custom post types in wordpress admin area.
Here I am going to give you example using wordpress theme files. Open you functions.php file and copy paste the following code in that file.
The function register_post_type() accepts two arguments: the name we want to give our post type, and a list of arguments used to create that post type, which we put in an array called $args.
Using above code that code will add the product post type to wordpress panel.
Now you can add the meta fields to custom post type. Use the following code in file for add the meta fields. Custom meta fields function is available from quite some time. add_meta_box() function is very useful to adding custom fields to wordpress post.
Using following code you can see the product information in edit product page and you can able to see the all information in for edit. Admin will know which fields are available to edit.
Using custom post type and add meta tag you can develop very nice applications. Now I am going to show you how you can extract the custom posts in wordpress frontend.
Using wp_query you can easily extract product posts. In any category page or conditionally you can use following code.
Or you can create the custom theme page using following code. Just create product.php page in your wordpress theme folder.Put following code in that file.
Mongodb is used for many projects now, it is quite fast. I given full detailed information about How to install Mongodb on linux box. Before installing the Mongodb on linux box you need to install following packages on box.
[root@sonyk-pc mongodb-linux-i686-1.6.2]# ./bin/mongod
./bin/mongod --help for help and startup options
Thu Sep 9 13:10:55 MongoDB starting : pid=22159 port=27017 dbpath=/data/db/ 32-bit
** NOTE: when using MongoDB 32 bit, you are limited to about 2 gigabytes of data
** see
Thu Sep 9 13:10:55 db version v1.6.2, pdfile version 4.5
If you want to create mongodb service in linux then use following steps:
create the File: /opt/bin/mongodb-stop
Put following code in that file:
pid=`ps -o pid,command ax | grep mongod | awk '!/awk/ && !/grep/ {print $1}'`;
if [ "${pid}" != "" ]; then
kill -2 ${pid};
create the File: /opt/bin/mongodb-start
Put following code in that file:
/opt/mongodb/bin/mongod --config /opt/config/mongodb \
## --upgrade \ ##runs a database upgrade option if needed \
File: /opt/config/mongodb
Put following code in that file:
# Configuration Options for MongoDB
# For More Information, Consider:
# - Configuration Parameters:
# - File Based Configuration:
dbpath = /srv/db/mongodb
logpath = /srv/db/mongodb.log
logappend = true
bind_ip =
port = 27017
fork = true
auth = true
# noauth = true
Do that file as linux executable
chmod +x /opt/bin/mongodb-start
chmod +x /opt/bin/mongodb-stop
We’ve also created a very basic “init script” as a wrapper around the mongodb-start and mongo-stop scripts described above. You will still need to modify and manage the configuration of your MongoDB server in the files above. This script only provides a means for ensuring that MongoDB will start at boot. Issue the following commands:
mv /etc/rc.d/init.d/mongodb
chmod +x /etc/rc.d/init.d/mongodb /etc/init.d/mongodb
chkconfig –add mongodb
chkconfig –level 35 mongodb on
You will also need to create a user and group for mongodb; issue the following command:
useradd -M -r --home-dir /opt/mongodb mongodb
Now issue the following command to ensure that the MongoDB user you just created will have access to all required files in the /srv/db/ hierarchy:
chown mongodb:mongodb -R /srv/db/
To start and stop MongoDB using the init script, issue the appropriate command from the following:
/etc/init.d/mongodb start
/etc/init.d/mongodb stop
For checking the web admin interface of Mongodb – listening on port 28017
Check this URL : http://localhost:28017/
Before installing the Mongodb on linux box you need to install following packages on box.[root@sonyk-pc Download]# sudo yum -y install git tcsh scons gcc-c++ glibc-devel[root@sonyk-pc Download]# sudo yum -y install boost-devel pcre-devel js-devel readline-devel[root@sonyk-pc Download]# sudo yum -y install boost-devel-static readline-static ncurses-static
For 32bit user use following command[root@sonyk-pc Download]# wget
For 64bit use following command[root@sonyk-pc Download]# wget
[root@sonyk-pc Download]# tar xzf mongodb-linux-i686-1.6.2.tgz [root@sonyk-pc Download]# cd mongodb-linux-i686-1.6.2
Mongo stores database in data/db folder. so we need to create those folder using following command.
[root@sonyk-pc mongodb-linux-i686-1.6.2]# sudo mkdir -p /data/db/[root@sonyk-pc mongodb-linux-i686-1.6.2]# sudo chown `id -u` /data/db
Using following command you can start the mongo database.
[root@sonyk-pc mongodb-linux-i686-1.6.2]# ./bin/mongod./bin/mongod –help for help and startup optionsThu Sep 9 13:10:55 MongoDB starting : pid=22159 port=27017 dbpath=/data/db/ 32-bit
** NOTE: when using MongoDB 32 bit, you are limited to about 2 gigabytes of data** see
Thu Sep 9 13:10:55 db version v1.6.2, pdfile version 4.5
If you want to create mongodb service in linux then use following steps:
[root@sonyk-pc Download]# wget [root@sonyk-pc Download]# tar xzf[root@sonyk-pc Download]# mv mongodb-linux-i686-1.6.2 /opt/mongodb[root@sonyk-pc Download]# mkdir -p /srv/db/mongodb[root@sonyk-pc Download]# touch /srv/db/mongodb.log
[root@sonyk-pc Download]# mkdir /opt/bin/[root@sonyk-pc Download]# mkdir /opt/config/
create the File: /opt/bin/mongodb-stopPut following code in that file;
create the File: /opt/bin/mongodb-startPut following code in that file:
/opt/mongodb/bin/mongod --config /opt/config/mongodb \## --upgrade \ ##runs a database upgrade option if needed \
File: /opt/config/mongodbPut following code in that file:
# Configuration Options for MongoDB## For More Information, Consider:# - Configuration Parameters: - File Based Configuration:
dbpath = /srv/db/mongodblogpath = /srv/db/mongodb.loglogappend = true
bind_ip = = 27017fork = true
auth = true# noauth = true
Do that file as linux executatblechmod +x /opt/bin/mongodb-startchmod +x /opt/bin/mongodb-stop
We’ve also created a very basic “init script” as a wrapper around the mongodb-start and mongo-stop scripts described above. You will still need to modify and manage the configuration of your MongoDB server in the files above. This script only provides a means for ensuring that MongoDB will start at boot. Issue the following commands:
wget /etc/rc.d/init.d/mongodbchmod +x /etc/rc.d/init.d/mongodb /etc/init.d/mongodbchkconfig –add mongodbchkconfig –level 35 mongodb on
You will also need to create a user and group for mongodb; issue the following command:
useradd -M -r --home-dir /opt/mongodb mongodb
Now issue the following command to ensure that the MongoDB user you just created will have access to all required files in the /srv/db/ hierarchy:
chown mongodb:mongodb -R /srv/db/
To start and stop MongoDB using the init script, issue the appropriate command from the following:
/etc/init.d/mongodb start/etc/init.d/mongodb stop
For checking the web admin interface of Mongodb – listening on port 28017Check this URL : http://localhost:28017/
Drupal is most popular CMS in the world for creating the web application. For custom purpose we need to create the drupal modules. We need the custom tables for creating the drupal.
create install script for drupal module and create tables
create install script for drupal module and create tables
In this article I will tell how you can create the sample drupal module with custom two table. When you activate the drupal module then tables which are defined in the module will be get installed. When you unactive the drupal module tables will get deleted from database.
For creating the drupal module three files are necessary and that as follow:
1. (you can use your module name
2. yourmodule.install
3. yourmodule.module
First .info file is important and in that file we will put module related information. file has following content.
; $Id$
name = My module
description = This module is to test the install feature
core = 6.x
For creating custom tables you can use following code in mymodule.install file.
.Module file is most important. In this file you can put the code which for you written the module. Now in this file Now I am giving you the sample menu code. mymodule.module file has following content.
Photoshop is great tool for image editing. It is very powerful tool. In this post we are brought to you beautiful & creative 60+ latest photoshop tutorials.