List of SEO Plugins Alternative to Yoast

WP SEO plugins are most important these days. In this article, We collected List of SEO Plugins Alternative to Yoast. “Good SEO work only gets better over time. It is only search engine tricks that need to keep changing when the ranking algorithms change” –Jill Whalen

Without a doubt, search engine optimization (SEO for brevity) remains to be one of the digital marketer’s ingenious techniques in getting a page seen, making a particular content relevant and having people discover that particular content. As SEO remains to be a vast field, the logistics regarding it are not as forthcoming and more often than not, would require years of continuous and consistent practice in order to master it.


This would require a deep commitment from SEO specialists to know more about the field. However, if you are committed to developing your content and are serious about your blogging, business or portfolio then it is highly imperative that you would enhance your authorship and brand presence. One of these ways is through SEO which would enable you to drive more organic traffic, customers and leads towards your website.

Apart from this, you need to have a deep understanding of the optimization of your website and have the essential tools and accessories necessary for it. As it is, most of you have probably chosen WordPress as your blog’s platform and you may have noticed Yoast as an effective tool assisting you in SEO on all essentials aspects. As a bonus, it would help you write better and riveting content as well. That is as far as it goes superficially, however in a technical sense, the Yoast plugin would compel you to choose a sole focus keyword when you are writing your articles and use that same focus keyword everywhere. However, Yoast is only one plugin and if you truly are committed to your craft, you know you would not want to put all of your eggs in one basket. Of course, you would want to diversify and seek other platforms alternative to Yoast as well and luckily for you, we have noted some of the best down below. They are all functional and have various options which you would soon find out as you read on below.

List of SEO plugins

1. Smart WordPress SEO

Boost your wordpress SEO: Full SEO features Meta Tags, webmaster tools settings, Social AuthorShip for Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus and XML sitemap
You do not need to do anything extra anything for wordpress SEO. Just setup properly smart wordpress SEO. This plugin will take care of all SEO properties.Super Fast
This plugin is really fast. Do not use any other SEO plugin with this because it will give all type of SEO.

You can enter your meta keywords and description for your homepage and each post and pages.

This plugin will add different Meta description for each individual post as your excerpt of your post.

This will help your blog to rank better in google. You can easily increase your blog traffic using this plugin.


Rank Reveal is an SEO tool with a premium service. It has a special feature which would allow you to discover the keywords for which you are currently ranking, which you could possibly rank higher in the future and the ones which were virtually nonexistent to you. Additionally, Rank Reveal would assist you in finding long tail keywords with high conversion minus the competition. Rank Reveal is one of the SEO plugins with the largest collection of ranking data which routinely oversees search engines for their website rankings and it also uses proprietary graph data.

This is a service which allows you to not only know regarding all the keywords for which you are ranking for on SERP but would also allow you to keep track on your competitor’s choice of keywords and their rankings.

3.) All in ONE SEO Pack

This is probably that one SEO plugin that is easily recognizable as it is famous worldwide and is predominantly one of the world’s most advanced SEO plugin that would encompass features built for bloggers, online business, magazines, and ecommerce. This SEO plugin comes in two versions: Free and a pro. The pro version would naturally offer you a multitude of other advanced features that are otherwise unavailable in its free counterpart. This includes premium support and installation.

All in ONE SEO Pack is perfect among bloggers who have little to no idea about SEO and who could not be bothered to perform any on page optimization. This plugin will automatically do it for you such as generating meta descriptions and meta keywords for your blog posts. Apart from that, it can even add alternate tags to all your images found within any of your posts. Lastly, this is the only SEO plugin which offers support for ecommerce websites making this that one catchall plugin ideal for advanced users and novices.

4.) SEOPressor

Another powerful WordPress-built SEO plugin that has the all-encompassing ability to manage all your posts, pages, custom post formats. Simply put, SEOPressor is a powerful plugin that would manage your complete website. Some of its features would include an inbuilt keyword research tool that would allow you to find long tail keywords and it allows you to use the drag and drop functionality which would insert the keyword into your content in just a click saving you fifteen to twenty minutes per post basis. Additionally, SEOPressor utilizes a powerful page and post analysis algorithm which would calculate the SEO stats of your content and would then give you a rating.

SEOPressor is also advantageous to bloggers trying to make their websites more social friendly as it adds a Facebook open graph and Twitter mediadata tags. Overall, SEOPressor is a powerful as well as a versatile alternative to the Yoast plugin.

5.) Google Sitemap

Another alternative SEO plugin that is easy to use but incredibly powerful is Google Sitemap which is developed by bestwebsoft. This plugin’s features would allow you to quickly create and submit your sitemaps to the Bing Webmaster or Google Webmaster tool and would generate the .gzip file which Google usually uses and considers. This SEO plugin is perfect for those who value simplicity yet maximum functionality as well as its support for many post formats.

6.) SEO Friendly Images

SEO Friendly Images is a plugin that allows you to rapidly increase your website visitors as you can divert traffic to your website from Google Image search. Statistics has shown that almost ten to fifteen percent of searches made on Google have something to do with pictures and graphics. Consider that even for only keywords such as SEO and blogging, even if your ranking is positioned in the third or fourth position in the image search, you are still able to drive hundreds of extra visitors to your website depending of course as to how attractive your particular photo or snapshot is.

This plugin would allow you to automatically add the alternate and title tags for every image on your individual posts.

Considering there is an abundance of diverse plugins available online, choosing one can be a bit overwhelming—especially for those of you who are still newbies to WordPress. However, this article has considerably narrowed your search by providing you five of the best alternatives to Yoast, but do consider that for every blogger and SEO specialist enthusiast out there, a certain alternative plugin would appeal to them. The same would apply to you whether your choice largely depends on which ones would align most to the needs of your website or which ones are easiest and most straightforward to use, just be sure you are well comfortable with the features and it would guarantee you maximum and optimal results.

When you have chosen one, do not just stop there, take a moment to get the general feel of the plugin and of course, do not be afraid to try some new others too. Remember, as the world of SEO is evolving so will the needs of your website and if you would want to keep up, you would have to be flexible and adaptable to these.

Top Plugins for Faster WordPress Site

Blogging on WordPress, but afraid of bulking up your site and slowing it up? Here comes the good news: there are several plugins that can make your website faster than usual. Notably though, there are plugins that can also make your site slower. This is a no-no more so because Google considers page speed as an important ranking factor. Take a look at below.

Faster WordPress Site

For identifying plugins that slow down the site

P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler)

P3 is a diagnostic plugin wherein it measures how each plugin in your website affects its load time. In most cases, your website have too many plugins or poorly configured plugins. The site is slow because of what are installed. The most common culprit is social sharing plugins which bloat page load speed.

GTmetrix for WordPress

When it comes to determining the overall performance of your site, you can use GTmetric for WordPress. The plugin tracks your installs and sends alerts whenever your website fails below pre-defined criteria. You can also schedule analysis and reporting on a frequency that is most convenient for you.

For browser caching

W3 Total Cache

W3 Total Cache is very useful in leveraging browser caching. W3 Total Cache is considered the only WPO (WordPress Performance Optimization) framework that is specifically designed for the purpose of improving the site’s speed and thereby user experience (UX). This plugin increases server performance and reduces download times. It can be easily integrated with your content delivery network (CDN). GoDadddy and HostGator, among others, recommend the use of this plugin. Even Matt Cutts is using W3 Total Cache.

WP Super Cache

WP Super Cache performs the same function as W3 Total Cache. WP Super Cache generates static HTML files and serve to your site users. It diminishes the job to process comparatively heavier files such as PHP generated cache files.

DB Cache Reloaded Fix

If you want to cache database query, you can use DB Cache Reloaded Fix. This plugin uses less disk space and is extremely easy to use. Enable the plugin, pick a time and empty the filter. The plugin will not update, insert or delete.

For compressing the site

Force Gzip

Force Gzip speeds up load time by deploying a GZIP output compression action. The plugin can also detect when the browsers are erroneously claims that they are not supporting when they do in actuality. Compressing the ZIP file saves bandwidth and reduces the total file size, so that sending the file to the users will then be easier and faster.

For compressing images


The majority of the WordPress sites includes images that consume a significant portion of bandwidth, and the solution is WP The plugin automatically compresses these images upon upload on your media library without affecting the quality of the images. It optimizes JPEG compression and converts GIFs to PNGs. The best part, you can compress images stored in the library by running them through WP

EWWW Image Optimizer is an alternative to WP The plugin automatically optimizes the images while being uploaded in your library.


Hammy is a plugin that generates and serves responsive-oriented images to the users. The plugin resizes the image based on the available content area, but still depends on content width. With this, the users are served with the most appropriate image based on what device they are using. Hammy supports retina.

BJ Lazy Load

Another great plugin for saving bandwidth is BJ Lazy Load. Lazy loading means replacing the images, thumbnails, gravatars and even content iframes with placeholders. The contents will be loaded when the user gets close to the image, for instance, as he or she scrolls the page. BJ Lazy Load also works with widgets. For responsive designs, the plugin automatically serves scaled-down images. For hiDPI screens, it serves hiDPI images.

Substitutes to BJ Lazy Load are Lazy Load, jQuery Image Lazy Load WP and Image Lazy Load (Unveil.js). For lightweight alternatives, you may use Rocket Lazy Load (2KB) and Unveil Lazy Load (0.5KB).

For cleaning up the website database


WordPress autosaves. Period. One disadvantage of such is that the database will be easily filled up with unnecessary files such as drafts, revisions, unapproved comments, trashed items and even pingbacks and trackbacks. WP-Optimize is a great plugin because it routinely clears your database. It will leave those that need to be kept. Potentially harmful cleanup options are highlighted in red. Backup your database before you use the plugin.


In optimizing WordPress database, you can use WP-DBManager alternatively. This plugin schedules database optimization dates. Aside from this, it also repairs, backups, restores and deletes backup database whenever necessary. It runs selected queries and drops or empties tables.

For storing revisions

Revision Control

There are instances when we want to control what post revisions we can store. Again, WordPress autosaves your drafts and revisions which can be easily removed using Revision Control plugin. An unnecessary amount of drafted posts will be removed through setting the plugin to a minim of 3 revisions, for example. Enabling, disabling and limiting the number of provisions is possible on a per post basis. The plugin has Revisions Meta box which also allows users to delete specific revisions.

For backing up files

Top Plugins for Faster WordPress Site
Top Plugins for Faster WordPress Site


Speaking of backups, every blogger and website owner should backup their database. Install a plugin like Backup. Backups are in the form of zipped archives which will be then uploaded to any folder of your choice in Google Drive. What’s great about this plugin is you control what are being backed up such as database, files and directories. You can also schedule automatic backups if you want.

For minifying JavaScript and CSS files

Better WordPress (BWP) Minify

If the site has several plugins installed, your site would have about 15 separate style sheets and JavaScript files. The ideal scenario is having a single CSS file for all the style sheets and single JavaScript file for all the files. BWP Minify combines the sheets and files separately, so that the number of browser requests is minimized. The plugin can be customized and is available in 11 languages.


Another coder-friendly plugin is WP-Compress-HTML. When coding, spaces, new lines, new tabs, indentations and carriage returns are used to make the contents more human-readable. These are necessary to collaborate and debug HTML documents. Nonetheless, these elements add up to the HTML document file size. WP-Compress-HTML removes such elements of the HTML document. Another great thing about the plugin is the feature of marking areas of the template reserved for preserving white space.

For monitoring malware

Sucuri Scanner

Malware also slows down your website, and there are malwares that are very difficult to detect. To determine whether there are malicious codes on your site, you may choose to install Sucuri Scanner. This plugin is a security suite that audits security activities, monitors file integrity, scans remote malware, monitors blacklist, hardens effective security and acts on post-hack security. It notifies the owner in case of any attempts of security breach, for example.

Evidently, there are several plugins that you can use in speeding up your WordPress site. However, the rule of thumb is using a maximum of 10 plugins. Anything more than that will slow down your site, which defeats the purpose of installing these plugins in the first place. You can experiment to determine which plugins best suit your website.