Alexa is website ranking service website which will give you the ranking of website. We have wordpress plugin for alexa verification for wordpress websites. But there is an issue with this site. This site is collecting data from all over the world. Means your site is popular in some country then your site will never come in top for all the world.
alexa verification for wordpress websites
For coming the in Alexa rank you need to register the your website with Alexa. You should verify your website with Alexa code.
For Alexa verification of website follow my steps:
1. Open or visit the Alexa website
2. Then click menu Edit Site. Then we wil be brought to user login page from Alexa, if you do not have account then please register first.
3. Next, see your email and open your member confirmation email from alexa.
4. After confirmation, re-click menu Edit site. Enter your website’s or your blog’s data into here.
5. Then, do your blog verification.
This verification can be done in three ways, just choose one:
First, by using Meta Tag. Copy paste this meta tag between tag with in your blog template.Second, by upload into your blog’s root. Make a file format .txt using notepad, copy paste meta tag into that file and make the name as instruction from alexa. Then upload the file into your blog’s root into the hosting that you used.
Third, by confirming via email.
* After you choose and use one of the verifications above, then click verification button.

For Alexa Ranking there is very nice wordpress plugin. You should use this alexa wordpress plugin in your website for best ranking.
You can download this plugin from following URL: this wordpress plugin your blog ranking will increase.