WordPress is most popular cms these days and many companies are working on wp development. Many times they wanted to add or build custom help section for there clients. In wordpress admin section in the top-right corner. you are able to see the help drop down. If you click on help button then it will open the help section. You can modify or customize the help section as per your need.
You can modify or customize the help section as per your need. we have given code snippet to Add custom text to wordpress dashboard help section.
Add custom text to wordpress dashboard help section
You can just use the following code to customize the help section. You need to copy and paste the following code into functions.php file. which you will find in active wp theme directory.

//hook loading of new page and edit page screens add_action('load-page-new.php','add_custom_help_page'); add_action('load-page.php','add_custom_help_page'); function add_custom_help_page() { //the contextual help filter add_filter('contextual_help','custom_page_help'); } function custom_page_help($help) { //keep the existing help copy echo $help; //add some new copy echo "<h5>Custom Features</h5>"; echo "<p>You can add your custom text over here. It will apprear in help section.</p>"; }
If you have any further doubts or questions then you can write to me.