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Here we given photoshop tutorial for add angled lines effect to photo using photoshop. we given step by step screenshots with there short cuts keys and explanation
how to add angled lines effect to photo using photoshop
Step1: Open your image in Photoshop. Double click on Background & press OK to work on it.

Step 2: Create New Document with 3 pixel width, 3 pixel height and transparent background.
Step 3: Select your foreground color dark yellow(#ff9900) and draw 3 square using Pencil Tool.
Step 4: Select All using Ctrl + A & Create a pattern by Edit > Define Pattern. Name the pattern.
Step 5: Close the Pattern file and go back to image file. Create New Layer. Keep it selected.
Step 6: Go to Edit > Fill
(Choose “Pattern” from “Use” drop down menu and again in “Custom Pattern” you will find newly created pattern)
Step 7: Select newly created pattern and fill the layer. Change the layer mode to “Multiply”
And you done it.
Here’s my final result:
Thank You!