If you are creating real estate site in wordpess then here is list of best real estate wordpress plugins. which is helpful for creating the real estate site.
10 best real estate wordpress plugins
Many people searching for solution for real estate. I specially think wordpress is the great tool to create the real estate website. Because wordpress will provide you great SEO features in your real estate website. If we talk about features, there is so many free and open source options are available in wordpress so go with wordpress.
If you are planning to create real estate website. Then choose wordpress CMS. If you want reach to your customer with minimum efforts then go for wordpress.
In this tutorial I will give information about ten best real estate wordpress solutions or plugins.
1. Great Real Estate | Download

2. Real Estate | Download

3. Simple Real Estate Pack | Download

4. FireStorm Real Estate Plugin | Download

5. Real Estate Q&A | Download
6. Real Estate Chart of the Day | Download
7. RealPress Real Estate Plugin | Download
8. Local Market Explorer | Download
9. WordPress Zillow API | Download
10. WordPress Featured Listings | Download
Here is links for more useful wordpress plugins for various purposes.
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10 real estate wordpress plugins
Also check out the free RealShout WordPress Real Estate Plugin at http://www.realshout.com/wordpress-real-estate-plugin.php. Available from WordPress plugin directory at http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/realshout-real-estate-property-search/
I am using the second from the top.
Take a look at this wordpress plug in for real estate. We are still working on it, but almost finished.
You can see a running website in this one at http://www.altijdzon.nl/domrep/.
You can find the plugin at http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/real-estate/
We are working on the search now.
Its totally optimized for seo.
Very nice collection of plugins!
Thanks for sharing!
Great list check out my top 10 usefull wordpress plugins
Thanks for compiling the list of real estate WordPress plugins. I was very interested in learning about all the plugins and their features. Unfortunately, I’ve discovered that few of the WordPress real estate developers provide:
1. documentation for their plugins
2. respond to questions in the WordPress forums
3. respond to questions in their own forums on their own websites.
Anyone knows how to change currency in great real estate plugin. One at the top of your post. Thanks