I spent lot of time to checking the wordpress themes and checking how they really looking with webpage. I am also curious about wordpress theme functionality. I always looked for theme look simple, sober and professional. The handling of website should be easy. not so much complex for managing the website.
When ever we talk about wordpress premium themes, we thought that is paid but still there is many . Here is best of collection.
free premium wordpress themes
I always recommend, First see some good premium wordpress themes and then make your decisions.
Here in this article I am going to give some very unique and best but still free premium wordpress themes list.
1. BigMug

Demo | Download
2. Solostream – WP-Clear
3. WP_010
Demo | Download
4. Cubit
5. Corpozine
Demo | Download
6. Grungemag
7. Yestilo
Demo | Download
8. WPLaunch
9. Purple Fever
10. Visionary